St Paul MinnesotaAs Written:Minn
Mar 10th /1886As Written:86
I was greatly surprised this evening by the receipt As Written: reciet of Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy the two VolumesAs Written:Vols combined sent to me Cash On DeliveryAs Written:C. O. D. I had not ordered them nor had I need of them As I had two VolumesAs Written:Vols in the house. I do not see how you came to send these to me. I had subscribed for the Journal at the same time that I had sent to you for the two VolumesAs Written:Vols which I have had sometime on hand the Journal has not come promptly As Written: promtly I shall return the VolumesAs Written:Vols to you again Cash On DeliveryAs Written:C. O. D. As I have no need of them I do not understand how you came to send them to me
Please write to me and explain the matter as I am anxious to know
I never yet have had to send for books of any kind to come Cash On DeliveryAs Written:C, O, D. when I sent to you for the two VolumesAs Written:Vols I sent the money