Accession: 948.93.037
Editorial Title: Elizabeth B. Miller to Mary Baker Eddy, March 10, 1886
Author: Elizabeth B. Miller 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 10, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Elizabeth B. Miller on embossed lined paper from Saint Paul, Minnesota.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs M. B. G Eddy
Boston MassachusettsAs Written:Mass.

I was greatly surprised this evening by the receipt As Written: reciet of Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy the two VolumesAs Written:Vols combined sent to me Cash On DeliveryAs Written:C. O. D. I had not ordered them nor had I need of them As I had two VolumesAs Written:Vols in the house. I do not see how you came to send these to me. I had subscribed for the Journal at the same time that I had sent to you for the two VolumesAs Written:Vols which I have had sometime on hand the Journal has not come promptly As Written: promtly I shall return the VolumesAs Written:Vols to you again Cash On DeliveryAs Written:C. O. D. As I have no need of them I do not understand how you came to send them to me

Please write to me and explain the matter as I am anxious to know

And oblige
Mrs M D Miller


I never yet have had to send for books of any kind to come Cash On DeliveryAs Written:C, O, D. when I sent to you for the two VolumesAs Written:Vols I sent the money

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs M. B. G Eddy
Boston Mass.Expanded:Massachusetts

I was greatly surprised this evening by the reciet Corrected: receipt of Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy the two VolsExpanded:Volumes wcombined sent to me C. O. D.Expanded:Cash On Delivery I had not ordered them nor had I need of them As I had two VolsExpanded:Volumes in the house. I do not see how you came to send these to me. I had subscribed for the Journal at the same time that I had sent to you for the two VolsExpanded:Volumes which I have had sometime on hand the Journal has not come promtly Corrected: promptly I shall return the VolsExpanded:Volumes to you again C. O. D.Expanded:Cash On Delivery As I have [?] Unclear or illegible  no need of them I do not understand how you came to send them to me

Please write to me and explain the matter to me as I am anxio [?] Unclear or illegible us to know

And oblige
Mrs M D Miller


I never yet have had to send C. O. D. for books of any kind to come C, O, D.Expanded:Cash On Delivery when I sent to you for the two VolsExpanded:Volumes I sent the money

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Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy