I would like you to send me the book Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy also the pamphlet mind healing enclosed you will find the Order for the book & 10ctsEditorial Note: $0.10 in 1886 is the equivalent of $3.34 in 2024. in postage stamps for the pamphlet I would like them as soon as you can send them I have been partially deaf from Childhood will you tell me how I can be cured I am quite a young woman yet & my hair has turned most all gray I feel so grieved As Written: greived about it can it be turned to its natural color As Written: coular by mind cure I would like you to tell me if it can.
Christian Science as far as I understand it is the best thing we have ever found yet
Hughes As Written: Huges Co