Nov 22d 1886
I received your's of the 19thEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. todayAs Written:to day-
Enclosed I send you an P. O. Order for Thirty dollarsEditorial Note: $30.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $972.45 in 2023., for which please send me one dozen book– Science & Health– late Edition – Can you send them so that I can get them this week? There are persons about leaving town that want As Written: went their books before going-
You asked the number of the edition of my book- It As Written: I is loaned out, so I cannot tell you- but I think it is the first edition of the lately revised editions - You sent it to me last Jan. or Feb. I thought if I could procure one of Mrs Eddys Vignettes As Written: Visgnettes I should prize it highly-
Please tell Mrs. E. that I am grateful for her remembrance and am trying to make myself worthy of her kindness,