Accession: 945.92.027
Editorial Title: Mary E. Harris to Calvin A. Frye, March 16, 1886
Author: Mary E. Harris 
Recipient: Calvin A. Frye 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye  Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 16, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary E. Harris on unlined paper from Hartford, Connecticut.
Archival Note: This letter contains notations in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye and Mary Baker Eddy.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. Frye[*]Archival Note: There is what appears to be shorthand written here. 17
Dear Dr

Enclosed is an order for six books "Science & Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy @ $2.63Editorial Note: $2.63 in 1886 is the equivalent of $75.81 in 2021. each making $15.78Editorial Note: $15.78 in 1886 is the equivalent of $454.88 in 2021. many thanks for waiting payment for same. hope to send for more soon.

I also enclose this circularEditorial Note: This circular is not extant. wishing to know if Mrs Hart is one of our dear Teachers Students and in regular standing. I think it rather a quackie affair don't As Written: dont you?

With warmest love to my darling Teacher. I remain Sincerely.
Yours for Truth
Mary E. Harris

Please send receipt for same and oblige

Handshift:Calvin A. Frye Handshift:Mary Baker EddyShe is not a member of our Association, be sure & circulate will AnswerAs Written:Ans page. having an article reaching such people but be careful what you say as she is a danger woman & guard at the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. & love to youAs Written:y fromAs Written:f E
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. Frye[*]Archival Note: There is what appears to be shorthand written here. 17
Dear Dr

Enclosed is an order for six books "Science & Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy @ $2.63Editorial Note: $2.63 in 1886 is the equivalent of $75.81 in 2021. each making $15.78Editorial Note: $15.78 in 1886 is the equivalent of $454.88 in 2021. many thanks for waiting payment for same. hope to send for more soon.

I also enclose this circularEditorial Note: This circular is not extant. wishing to know if Mrs Hart is one of our dear Teachers Students and in regular standing. I think it rather a quackie affair dont Corrected: don't you?

With warmest love to my darling Teacher. I remain Sincerely.
Yours for Truth
Mary E. Harris

Please send receipt for same and oblige

Handshift:Calvin A. FryeShe has never taken but the first course, we do not consider her she is a remarkable liar & we have nothing to do with her. Handshift:Mary Baker EddyShe is not a member of our Association, bue sure & circulate will AnsExpanded:Answer page. having an article reaching sufch people but be careful what you say as she is a danger woman & guard at the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. & love to yExpanded:you fExpanded:from E
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There is what appears to be shorthand written here. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy $2.63 in 1886 is the equivalent of $75.81 in 2021. $15.78 in 1886 is the equivalent of $454.88 in 2021. This circular is not extant. The cause of Christian Science.