⇉ Handshift:Mary E. HampsonWorcesterEditorial Note: Worcester, Massachusetts Jan 6. 1886
I received the communication in regard to the next class and had a belief of disappointment on account of the postponement but know it will be all right. Shall be glad to enter the college whenever a class is formed.
Will you send me as soon as possible,
2 copies of Science & Health, revised
1/2 dozenAs Written:doz " " of Historical sketch of Metaphysical Healing
1/2 dozenAs Written:doz. copies of Defence of Christian Science
1 copy Christian Healing
1 " The People's God.
If as convenient for you it will be more so for me to have them sent by express to my address. Enclosed find money order for $8.00Editorial Note: $8.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $220.00 in 2020.