⇉ Handshift:Emma Gray109 1st St. N. E.
Washington D. C.
Mch. 3rd 1886As Written:'86
Will you send me some of the Revised Edition of 'Science & Health' when they are out, so that I can keep them for sale. I haven't As Written: havent the money to buy them, but it wouldAs Written:wd be more convenient to have them, than to send now & then for a single copy, & I have already lost some chances to sell by not having them, they said they wouldAs Written:wd like them, & when I said I wouldAs Written:wd have to send to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts for them, some said, "O, if you haven't them, don’t send," & others that they [*]Archival Note: The following text was later added to the document by the author or another annotator, disrupting the surrounding thought. ⇉ Handshift:Mary Baker Eddy Tell her your terms [*]Archival Note: End floating text. ⇉ Handshift:Emma Graybelonged to a "Book List" and if I had to send away for them, they couldAs Written:cd send throughAs Written:thro' their bookseller & get the books at 10 percentAs Written:per ct above the publisher's As Written: publishers price; so I might sell some if I had them on hand. Please let me know if you will do this, if not, I will give them As Written: then your address, & let them send for one, whenever it is wanted, but few people want it enough to take that trouble. Please let me know at once, when the books will be in the market.