Accession: 943.92.011
Editorial Title: Jennie B. Fenn to Calvin A. Frye, April 18, 1886
Author: Jennie B. Fenn 
Recipient: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: April 18, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Jennie B. Fenn on her embossed lined stationery from Omaha, Nebraska.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I received the books S. & H.Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and also the pamphlets you sent, I received the bill you sent for them but I guess you forgot that you sent them Cash On DeliveryAs Written:C.O.D. & I presume that you have receivedAs Written:recd the returns long before this, I was going to send the first bill you sent with the pamphlets for collection to be receipted As Written: recepted but have put it by so very carefully that I can't As Written: cant find it, I have been so busy is the reason I have not writtenAs Written:writen, I amAs Written:Iam three days from home all day, every moment of my time is taken up in this blessed work, Sundays is the only day that I have for quiet As Written: quite and rest, Mrs Colman & myself have clubbedAs Written:clubed togetherAs Written:to gather & had an article As Written: artical republished in two of our daily As Written: daly papers one in OmahaEditorial Note: Omaha, Nebraska & in Council Bluffs Iowa, that Mrs Woodbury wrote and sent to me for publication, I Shall send by the same- mail the papers with the article As Written: artical named Christian Science, I feel that it is going to do much good for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. here, about a month or six weeks ago I was interviewed As Written: interviewd by one of the reporters of the daily As Written: daly papers, and it has done a wonderful sight of good it has brought me new patients every day at home I had five the next day after the interview, You don't As Written: dont know how thankful As Written: thankfull I am, that the people As Written: peopal of Omaha As Written: Onaha are beginning As Written: begining to wake up, to this great work, or Truth, I amAs Written:Iam working as hard as I know how, to bring this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science before the people As Written: peopal in its truest sense I don't As Written: dont wish to praise myself for I prefer to let my work speak for itselfAs Written:it self, but people As Written: peopal tell me that I have madeAs Written:mad Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. very popular, and I feel that it is so, for I have all & more than I can do, I amAs Written:Iam and always have been very zealous for the cause of Christian Science, O how I wish that you & dear Mrs Eddy would come west for your vacation, and learn how the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. is growing I hope to see you all soon,

With the best of Wishes I amAs Written:Iam Sincerely
Mrs E. B. Fenn
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I received the books S. & H.Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and also the pamphlets you sent, I received the bill you sent for them but I guess you forgot that you sent them C.O.D.Expanded:Cash On Delivery & I presume that you have recdExpanded:received the returns long before this, I was going to send the first bill you sent with the pamphlets for collection to be recepted Corrected: receipted but have put it by so very carefully that I cant Corrected: can't find it, I have been so busy is the reason I have not writenCorrected:written, IamCorrected:I am three days from home all day, every moment of my time is taken up in this blessed work, Sundays is the only day that I have for quite Corrected: quiet and rest, Mrs Colman & myself have clubedCorrected:clubbed to gatherCorrected:together & had an artical Corrected: article republished in two of our daly Corrected: daily papers one in OmahaEditorial Note: Omaha, Nebraska & in Council Bluffs Iowa, that Mrs Woodbury wrote and sent to me for publication, I Shall send by the same- mail the papers with the artical Corrected: article named Christian Science, I feel that it is going to do much good for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. here, abuout a month or six weeks ago I was interviewd Corrected: interviewed by one of the reporters of the daly Corrected: daily papers, and it has done a wonderful sight of good it has brought me new patients every day at home I had five the next day after the interview, You dont Corrected: don't know how thankfull Corrected: thankful I am, that the peopal Corrected: people of Onaha Corrected: Omaha are begining Corrected: beginning to wake up, to this great work, or Truth, IamCorrected:I am working as hard as I know how, to bring this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science before the peopal Corrected: people in its truest sense I dont Corrected: don't wish to praise myself for I prefer to let my work speak for it selfCorrected:itself, but peopal Corrected: people tell me that I have madCorrected:made C. S.Expanded:Christian Science very popular, and I feel that it is so, for I have all & more than I can do, IamCorrected:I am and always have been very zelalous for the cause of Christian Science, O how I wish that you & dear Mrs Eddy would come west for your vacation, and learn how the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. is growing I hope to see you all soon,

With the best of Wishes IamCorrected:I am Sincerely
Mrs E. B. Fenn
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Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Omaha, Nebraska The cause of Christian Science. Christian Science The cause of Christian Science.