PostalEditorial Note: This postcard is not extant. and letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. duly receivedAs Written:recd. There was a Mr. Taft who went from WorcesterEditorial Note: Worcester, Massachusetts I think to BrooklynEditorial Note: Brooklyn, New York, and I think was a student of Mrs. Leavitts, but am not sure, and I don't As Written: dont know what his first name was. He was not a student of mine, and I do not know anythingAs Written:any thing about him.
If you should have any correspondence with a Chas. A. Brigham don't As Written: dont have anythingAs Written:any thing do with him, he is a man of no principle whatever. This Brigham belongs here, in Worcester. – I thank you very much for thinking of me and sending notice of our Teachers preaching on Sunday and I regret not being just so I could be there for I do not see or hear her often, in fact do not hear any Scientific preaching at all. I hope you will notify me the next time.
Are the new books out, and should I wish to push the sale more, in my localityAs Written:locolity, can I have them in $100.00Editorial Note: $100.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $2,753.32 in 2020. lots at $2.00Editorial Note: $2.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $55.07 in 2020. each ? I suppose the retail price remains the same.