Apl. 16/1886As Written:86
I am in receipt of your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. containing the corrected Receipt- The fashion of the "Journal" notices of Student's teaching changes about as often as the fashion in bonnets– and it strikes me that it might be a good plan to have a proper Receipt or Certificate kept on sale at the College along with the books- then there would be no further mistake about them- Have them advertised in the Journal and all the Normal Teachers use them– To me it seems important that Students'As Written:Students students be furnished with some sort of credential showing that they are not Mind-curers, but genuine ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists– I wrote Mrs. Crosse with regard to it, and she did not consider it necessary to use this sort of Receipt for her students and hadn'tAs Written:had'nt any. I then wrote Miss Bartlett asking for some of hers, (The one I sent you was copied from the ones she has given & is still giving her students.) and she replied she had only a few left, and wished to take them all with her– You can see how the matter stands. I have just paid for having 1000 of these printed– and naturally do not care to invest in another large quantity just at present–
I hope Mrs. Eddy will see fit to have this branch of the business attended to at the College- which seems to me to be the proper place for it–
Please let me know what you decide upon-