Accession: 941.91.100
Editorial Title: Ellen E. Cross to Calvin A. Frye, March 30, 1886
Author: Ellen E. Cross 
Recipient: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: March 30, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Ellen E. Cross on unlined paper from Binghamton, New York.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Brother:

The idea of a uniform form of receipt for all the Normal Teachers meets my mind exactly- And now will you have it brought up in the next Assn Meeting, and something fixed upon and printed if they think best- I would like mine to use soon as possible-

You failed to say anythingAs Written:any thing about the students of the Normal Teachers' joining the National Assn.

If you could give any idea of the probabilities as to the time of the next class it would be of great help to Miss Osgood- as she is waiting anxiously for a summons and does not want to get too many patients on hand if it will be soon-

Your Sister in Truth
E. E. Cross
3 Case Blk
Ferry St.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Brother:

The idaea of a uniform form of receipt for all the Normal Teachers meets my mind exactly- And now will you have it brought up in the next Assn Meeting, and something fixed upon and printed if they think best- I would like mine to use soon as possible-

You failed to say [?] Unclear or illegible  any thingCorrected:anything about the students of the Normal Teachers' joining the National Assn.

If you could give any idea of the probabilities as to the time of the next class it would be of great help to Miss Osgood- as she is waiting anxiously for a summons and does not want to get too many patients on hand if it will be soon-

Your Sister in Truth
E. E. Cross
3 Case Blk
Ferry St.
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