I have receivedAs Written:recd,, my Charter – and a copy of the Constitution & By-Laws of the National Assn,, – and now wish to form my Students Assn,,- Now how shall I start it , I can see how to admit new members , but how shall I start it– How proceed to elect the necessary Officers– Mr. Ames, a lawyer of SyracuseEditorial Note: Syracuse, New Yorkwho studied in my last class looked the Constitution over and thinks it complete, with the single exception that it contains no provision for holding property – which he considers very essential-
He was almost an infidel when he entered class, and came out of it a firm believer in Christ and C. S-Editorial Note: Christian Scienceand he wants us to have a school building or something where we can have Students Meetings, & Sunday Ser vices et ceteraAs Written:&c– so you see what his idea is- What do you think of it?
Please let me know at once- as I have not very much time here-