Accession: 941.91.012
Editorial Title: J. Allen Campbell to Mary Baker Eddy, May 19, 1886
Author: J. Allen Campbell 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 19, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by J. Allen Campbell on his lined printed stationery from New York, New York.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Our dear Teacher

Your Loving letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. rec'd with pleasure– do you think it best for each teacher to form a S.C.S.A., or to unite with other teachers?Editorial Note: Christian Science teachers at this period were beginning to form Associations composed of their own students.

"The little book"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy goes, so we must have more– CheckAs Written:Chk. for $30­­–Editorial Note: $30.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $934.01 in 2022. enclsd.

We have not yet received our certificates for this year, Apr 2, is our date-

Will there be a certificate for Students' As Written: Student's Students, issued by the N.C.S.A.? it seems they should have one and I have promised mine one-

Mrs- Campbell says we are jealous of the Boston Christian ScientistsAs Written:CS's- because they have more of you than we have. now I know that this is wrong, but we wish we had more of you nevertheless –

Much Love from All. loving Students-
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Our dear Teacher

Your Loving letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. rec'd with pleasure– do you think it best for each teacher to form an a S.C.S.A., on or to unite with other teachers?Editorial Note: Christian Science teachers at this period were beginning to form Associations composed of their own students.

"The little book"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy goes, so we must have more– Chk.Expanded:Check for $30­­–Editorial Note: $30.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $934.01 in 2022. enclsd.

We have not yet received our certificates for this year, Apr 2, is our date-

Will there be a certificate for Student's Corrected: Students' Students, issued by the N.C.S.A.? it seems thaey should have one and I have promised mine one-

Mrs- Campbell says we are jealous of the Boston CS'sExpanded:Christian Scientists- because they have more of you than we [?] Unclear or illegible  have. now I know that this is wrong, but we wish we had more of you nevertheless –

Much Love from All. loving Students-
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New York, New York This letter is not extant. Christian Science teachers at this period were beginning to form Associations composed of their own students. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy $30.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $934.01 in 2022.