Accession: 940.91.052
Editorial Title: Adeline A. Bundy to Mary Baker Eddy, February 9, 1886
Author: Adeline A. Bundy 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: February 9, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Adeline A. Bundy on lined paper from Burlington, Wisconsin.
Archival Note: This letter includes a shorthand notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. Frye[*]Archival Note: There is what appears to be shorthand written here.

It is one year last fall I was induced by "Dr and Mrs Avery of ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois" to purchase two volumes of your "Science and Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy On reading felt a glow of healthful, truthful inspiration and at once put in practice some of its precepts, Which has resulted in some instances like a Charm, I commended the reading by purchasing the books, and have sold eight volumes I got from Dr Avery and was in at two or three of his lectures while at his house, since then I have persuaded some of my friends to send to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts for them giving them your address

Mrs Bloomfield of Elgin IllinoisAs Written:Ill, by giving to Mrs Howe of NundaEditorial Note: Nunda Township is located in McHenry County, Illinois. your address

Mrs. Howard Phillips of Algonquin, IllinoisAs Written:Ill

Mrs Case of Racine WisconsinAs Written:Wis (the Millionaire As Written: Millionare

Mrs J, M, Eddy of Sutherland Iowa

Making in All 18 books

And the object now of my writing is I recommend by letter to a Mrs Dean of Ohio the purchasing "Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy as a panacea to her unstrung nervous Condition, by perusing its pages, also giving her your address Instead she says as I have sold so many of the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy she desires me to send for them thinking I presume I am an Agent and can order for $3,000Editorial Note: $3.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $82.60 in 2020. which I enclose in this, And now a line for myself had I the means I should come at once to your lectures, for years I have stood on the threshold sipping drop by drop of this inexhaustible fountain, my thirst is great, my purse small

I sometimes pen thoughts better than I can express them I lack knowledge that comes by instruction sometimes As Written: some times get by induction as with the aspirational key of truth to unlock the broad seal of Jehovah's breath, in response to uplifted thought although I do not coincide with all your writing yet it may be for want of correct reasoning

But Oh I bid you God or Good Speed, The world never was in greater need of the right instruction aided by the power of truth-

Whatever lifts ills and woes from mortals and places the Magic Staff of truth to guide lives for a purpose,

You Will please send the books, two volumes "Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy

To Mrs

M, E, Dean

New London


and oblige
Mrs Schuyler Bundy

P S, I will enclose a list of the names of those who I have purchased your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy for

Mrs Willcox of Springfield, WisconsinAs Written:Wis-

Mrs Harlow Geneva WisconsinAs Written:Wis Case WisconsinAs Written:Wis

Mrs Freeman IllinoisAs Written:Ill, Mrs Henry, WisconsinAs Written:Wis,

Phillips, IllinoisAs Written:Ill Bloomfield, Eddy, Iowa

My own 18 in all, and I think I shall send again soon for another friend who is not quite ready

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. Frye[*]Archival Note: There is what appears to be shorthand written here.

It is one year last fall I was induced by "Dr and Mrs Avery of ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois" to purchase two volumes of your "Science and Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy On reading felt a glow of healthful, truthful inspiration and at once put in practice some of its precepts, Which has resulted in some instances like a Charm, I commended the reading by purchasing the books, and have sold eight volumes I got from Dr Avery and was in at two or three of his lectures while at his house, since then I have persuaded some of my friends to send to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts for them giving them your address

Mrs Bloomfield of Elgin IllExpanded:Illinois, by giving to Mrs Howe of NundaEditorial Note: Nunda Township is located in McHenry County, Illinois. your address

Mrs. Howard Phillips of Algonquin, IllExpanded:Illinois

Mrs Case of Racine WisExpanded:Wisconsin (the Millionare Corrected: Millionaire

Mrs J, M, Eddy of Sutherland of Iowa

Making in All 18 books

And the object now of my writing is I recommend by letter to a Mrs Dean of Ohio the purchasing "Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy as a panacea to her unstrung nervous Condition, by perusing its pages, also giving her your address Instead she says as I have sold so many of the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy she desires me to send for them thinking I presume I am an Agent and can order for $3,000Editorial Note: $3.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $82.60 in 2020. which I enclose in this, And now a line for myself had I the means I should come at once to your lectures, for years I have stood on the threshold sipping drop by drop of this inexhaustible fountain, my thirst is great, my purse small

I sometimes pen thoughts better than I can express them I lack knowledge that comes by instruction some times Corrected: sometimes get by induction as with the aspirational key of truth to unlock the broad seal of Jehovah's breath, in response to uplifted thought although I do not coincide with all your writing yet it may be for want of correct reasoning

But Oh I bid you God or Good Speed, The world never was in greater need of the right instruction aided by the power of truth-

Whatever lifts ills and woes from mortals and places the Magic Staff of truth to guide lives for a purpose,

You Will please send the books, two volumes "Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy

To Mrs

M, E, Dean

New London


and oblige
Mrs Schuyler Bundy

P S, I will enclose a list of the names of those who I have purchased your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy for

Mrs Willcox of Springfield, Wis-Expanded:Wisconsin

Mrs Harlow Geneva WisExpanded:Wisconsin Case WisExpanded:Wisconsin

Mrs Freeman IllExpanded:Illinois, Mrs Henry, WisExpanded:Wisconsin,

Phillips, IllExpanded:Illinois Bloomfield, Eddy, Iowa

My own 18 in all, and I think I shall send again soon for another friend who is not quite ready

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There is what appears to be shorthand written here. Chicago, Illinois Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Boston, Massachusetts Nunda Township is located in McHenry County, Illinois. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy $3.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $82.60 in 2020. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy