Accession: 940.91.026
Editorial Title: Emma E. Brewster to Calvin A. Frye, April 20, 1886
Author: Emma E. Brewster 
Recipient: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: April 20, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Emma E. Brewster on embossed lined paper from Kingston, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I am very sorry to be obliged to write to you again, but in your lastEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. you forgot to mention the price of Science & Health, Vol 1. Revised Edition. I trust that you will write immediately As Written: immediatly giving the desired information and also enclosing the synopsis of lectures which I sent Mrs Eddy for her criticism. They are very valuable to me being the notes taken on my lessons, and my only copy. The world owes much to Mrs Eddy for the great discovery she has given to it, but had it not come throughAs Written:thro' her it would throughAs Written:thro' another since the time was ripe for it, and if she is not able to rear to manhood the child she has brought forthEditorial Note: Christian Science The FatherEditorial Note: God will provide other nurses and masters. She is not called upon to make such "superhumanAs Written:super-human" efforts to give the public a correct understandingAs Written:under-standing of this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science," as to preclude the possibility of giving a private inquiry a courteous answer.

The intense desire which I feel not to make the slightest error in the new field of thought almost amounts to an anxiety lest As Written: least I am going astray. I therefore wrote to her who our teacher taught us to call the "Fountain head of the New Truth,"Editorial Note: This is likely a reference to Mary Baker Eddy. and to admire almost to veneration,– using every argument of which I was capable to induce her to spare me 20 or 30 minutes of her valuable timeAs Written:tine. I did not send money thoughAs Written:tho' I am now persuaded that I should by th is means have gained the end soughtAs Written:sout. As for lack of time I took care to put my request in such shape as to require very little time to give me much knowledge, and more has been wasted at her office in sending me senseless and useless letters than would have sufficed to fill my modest and very reasonable desire. A desire for truth that few teachers would reprove in a loving and ardent disciple. In spite of the reproof, and the unwarrantable discourtesy with which I have been treated, I love the beautiful ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science and most earnestly desire to pursue it farther, I am really eager to see the new edition of Science & Health, and greatly troubled lest As Written: least I have lost my Notes by submitting them to the Fountain Head of the New TruthEditorial Note: This is likely a reference to Mary Baker Eddy., for her approval. I am certainly very sorry that I did so, more sorry than I can express to you-

Truly yoursAs Written:yrs.
Emma E. Brewster
MassachusettsAs Written:Mass.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I am very sorry to be obliged to write to you again, but in your lastEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. you forgot to mention the price of Science & Health, Vol 1. Revised Edition. I trust that you will write immediatly Corrected: immediately giving the desired information and also enclosing the synopsis of lectures which I sent Mrs Eddy for her criticism. They are very valuable to me being the notes taken on my lessons, and my only copy. The world owes much to Mrs Eddy for the great discovery she has given to it, but had it not come thro'Expanded:through her it would thro'Expanded:through another since the time was ripe for it, and if she is not able to rear to manhood the child she has brought forthEditorial Note: Christian Science The FatherEditorial Note: God will provide other nurses and masters. She is not called upon to make such "super-humanCorrected:superhuman" effaorts to give the public a correct under-standingCorrected:understanding of this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science," as not to preclude the possibility of giving a private inquiry a courteous answer.

The intense desire which I feel not to make the slightest error in the new field of thought almost amounts to an anxiety least Corrected: lest I am going astray. I therefore wrote to her who [?] Unclear or illegible  our teacher taught us to call the "Fountain head of the New Truth,"Editorial Note: This is likely a reference to Mary Baker Eddy. and to admire almost to veneration,– using every argument of which I was capable to induce her to spare me 20 or 30 minutes of her valuable tineCorrected:time. I did not send money tho'Expanded:though I am now persuaded that I should by the is means have gained the end soutCorrected:sought. As for lack of time I took care to put my request in such shape ats to require very little time to give me much knowledge, and more has been wasted at her office in sending me senseless and useless letters than would have sufficed to fill my modest and very reasonable desire. A desire for truth that few teachers would reprove in a loving and ardent disciple. In spite of the reproof, and the unwarrantable discourtesy with which I have been treated, I love the beautiful ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science and most ear [?] Unclear or illegible nestly desire to pursue it farther, I am really eager to see the new edition of Science & Health, and g [?] Unclear or illegible reatly troubled least Corrected: lest I have lost my Notes by submitting them to the Fountain Head of the New TruthEditorial Note: This is likely a reference to Mary Baker Eddy., for her approval. I am certainly very sorry that I did so, more sorry than I can express to you-

Truly yrs.Expanded:yours
Emma E. Brewster
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This letter is not extant. Christian Science God Christian Science Christian Science This is likely a reference to Mary Baker Eddy. This is likely a reference to Mary Baker Eddy.