A lady from Lockport, New York, who has been with us lately, told me of your method of treating diseaseEditorial Note: Christian Science, and gave me one of your books to read. It was the "The Science of Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy-
I wish to be treated for Cataract in one eye, and my husband, who is somewhat deaf in both ears, would like to be treated too-
Would a good ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist come to this place, or would we come to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts? Do you think that treatment would succeed in these cases? I am 37 years old and husband a little older. He has had this trouble with his ears since he was a child. Now they discharge at times. He would be willing to try anythingAs Written:any thing that you suggest-
I have a daughter in Boston whom I visit sometimes and could come there anytimeAs Written:any time if it seemed best. If you can assure me of a cure please write me very soon and much oblige