Accession: 722A.89.037
Editorial Title: Eugene B. Weeks to Mary Baker Eddy, August 1, 1885
Author: Eugene B. Weeks 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 1, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Eugene B. Weeks on unlined paper from Battle Creek, Michigan.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I have read your BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and magazine on C.S. with great profit - have heard a Mr Swarts of ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois - who it seems has been your student - and cannot help but say that I am puzzled and made hungry for Truth. I feel that Swarts is conscious As Written: concious that you are right and he wrong in some things and that the difference between you should be adjusted. I fear the truth suffers here because of him. I would gladly receive this truth as your pupil but I am poor and have a family to care As Written: cure for. Yet I would gladly "leave all" for the truth

I have been successful as "a revivalist" am "class leader" and have acted as "local preacher" in the Methodist Church, Your interpretation of scripture is a grand revelation to me, though I have been a diligent student of the Bible for years, I Have been encouraged to enter the regular ministry and hoped to do something of that kind, as I have a burning desire to work for God and God only - Here is a mariner who has discovered something wrong in his calculation he feels lost. help! in the word, will my small claim to the office of "preacher" give me any advantage you offer to that class? When and how can I become your Student?

Yours et ceteraAs Written:&c
E. B. Weeks.
Battle Creek MichiganAs Written:Mich

My wife and believe in regeneration as you teach and she heartily joins me in this truth.


Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I have read your BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and magazine on C.S. with great profit - have heard a Mr Swarts of ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois - who it seems has been your student - and cannot help but say that I am puzzled and made hungry for Truth. I feel that Swarts is concious Corrected: conscious that you are right and he wrong in some things and that the difference between you should be adjusted. I fear the truth suffers here because of him. I would gladly receive this truth as your pupil but I am poor and have a family to cure Corrected: care for. Yet I would gladly "leave all" for the truth

I have been successful as "a revivalist" am "class leader" and have acted as "local preacher" in the Methodist Church, Your interpretation of scripture is a grand revelation to me, though I have been a diligent student of the Bible for years, I Have been encouraged to enter the regular ministry and hoped to do something of that kind, as I have a burning desire to work for God and God only - Here is a mariner who has discovered something wrong in his calculation he feels lost. help! in the word, will my small claim to the office of "preacher" give me any advantage you offer to that class? When and how can I become your Student?

Yours &cExpanded:et cetera
E. B. Weeks.
Battle Creek MichExpanded:Michigan

My wife and believe in regeneration as you teach and she heartily joins me in this truth.


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Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Chicago, Illinois