⇉ Handshift:Harriette D. Walker521 Broad St—
Providence Rhode IslandAs Written:R. I. 10-21-1885.
Very many thanks for your friendly letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. I found awaiting me yesterday, on my return home after several weeks absence — and I do wish it was possible for me to enter your class this month, but its out the question; unexpected circumstances forbid ability of accepting your terms even to "indigent students," which I had felt should be able to do-
Then again– have been appointed delegate to represent Rhode IslandAs Written:R.I.– at the National Women’s Christian Temperance UnionAs Written:W.C.T.U– Convention, held at Philadelphia Oct 30 to Nov. 3d which will be the very time your Class is in session — so the two things conspire against me – However, hope the day will come, when shall be able to put myself under your instruction.