Accession: 720A.88.007
Editorial Title: Sarah B. Van Buren to Mary Baker Eddy, January 29, 1886
Author: Sarah B. Van Buren 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye  Unknown 
Date: January 29, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Sarah B. Van Buren on lined paper from Dolgeville, New York.
Archival Note: This letter includes notations in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye and in unknown handwriting.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. Frye[*]Archival Note: There is what appears to be shorthand written here.

I write to you (for I cannot help it) in behalf of a man who is to have a limb amputated next– week. I have read in the "C S Journal" so many wonderful things, & of your Divine healing power that I am constrained to beg you to heal this poor sufferer. It is occasioned by the formation of false cartilages in the knee- has suffered 25 years, but for the past month, his knee has swollen to an enormous size, & his sufferings are very great. he is a poor man, obliged to "earn his bread by the sweat of his brow"Gen 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. , has been just able to drag around & work to support his family all those years, but now his Physician As Written: Phisician has decided to call a Surgeon to his aid & amputate his limb. think of having it done next week. Can you Dear Mrs Eddy heal him? I have read of many being healed through the medium of pen, ink & paper. I never heard of this healing Art until about three weeks since, but my heart is full of it. I see so many around me, & in my own family also, who are sick, & suffering, & the Physicians not able to relieve.

Can you heal this man instantaneously? the time is so short, I feel as if there is need of haste. He has no idea of this, or hope of saving the limb. I was not able to go & see him, & ask if I might write you. but will send him the C S Journal todayAs Written:to day to read. he is a good man, &, is a brave, patient, & conscientious person. Name Mark Faville.

Pardon the liberty I take but I feel that you can & will cure him.

Truly yours
Mrs S. B Van Buren
Handshift:unknownW, V,
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. Frye[*]Archival Note: There is what appears to be shorthand written here.

I write to you (for I cannot help it) in behalf of a man who is to have a limb amputated next– week. I have read in the "C S Journal" so many wonderful things, & of your Divine healing power that I am constrained to beg you to heal this poor sufferer. It is occasioned by the formation of false cartilages in the knee- has suffered 25 years, but for the past month, his knee has swollen to an enormous size, & his sufferings are very great. he is a poor man, obliged to "earn his bread by the sweat of his brow"Gen 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. , has been just able to drag around & work to support his family all those years, but now his Phisician Corrected: Physician has decided to call a Surgeon to his aid & amputate his limb. think of having it done next week. Can you Dear Mrs Eddy heal him? I have read of many being healed through the medium of pen, ink & paper. I never heard of this healing Art until about three weeks since, but my heart is full of it. I see so many around me, & in my own family also, who are sick, & suffering, & the Physicians not able to relieve.

Can you heal this man instantaneously? the time is so short, I feel as if there is need of haste. He has no idea of this, or hope of saving the limb. I was not able to go & see him, & ask if I might write you. but will send him the C S Journal to dayCorrected:today to read. he is a good man, &, is a brave, patient, & conscientious person. Name Mark Faville.

Pardon the liberty I take but I feel that you can & will cure him.

Truly yours
Mrs S. B Van Buren
Handshift:unknownW, V,
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There is what appears to be shorthand written here.