Aug 7th 1885.
Your favor of July 28thEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. was duly received. Have been waiting for a favorable opportunity to reply -
You ask if my health is good, and if I'm ready for your Autumn term commencing Sept 7th.
In reply I would say I do consider my health very good, though not perfect, but I rarely ever take medicine, and never call a Physician unless in extreme cases. (will say in passing - have had no M.D for nearly three years). Have been subjected to severe headachesAs Written:head aches for a long period. have had a few treatments from Mrs Campbell (of your school) and must say I am better. and feel as though I shall come out all right. Now to the point of studying the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. as I wrote you before I want to do good. and in the first place to my own husband. who I fear has same disease As Written: desease of the heart.
Reading your bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and seeing of your wonderful power to heal. it seems as though one must be almost divine to have this power. I feel myself far from what I would like to be. although I do try to do the best I can. Yet, like Paul “That which I would do, I do not, and what I would not do, that do I."Rom 7:19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. alas, it is too often my case. Can you accept me as I am. and give me encouragement. that I may (by striving hard) became a good true ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist. above all be able to make a well man of my husband. he is my all on Earth. and I cannot endure the thought of being separated (Even for a time) by what we call death.
Now, I am not what people call a woman of great faith. Please tell me. if that will come to me - If I come to the Sept Class. I will wish room & board at your College. If you deem the above worthy a reply. please do so at your Earliest Convenience. with answers to my questions, then I will decide. and let you know positively whether you may Enter my name for Sept term.
Pardon one more question, if a person is not perfectly satisfied with a three weeks course. Can they remain longer for the same tuition?
Mrs. F. J. Thomas
63. West 55th St
New York CityEditorial Note: New York, New York.