Accession: 714B.86.051
Editorial Title: John H. Storms to Mary Baker Eddy, March 25, 1885
Author: John H. Storms 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Eldridge J. Smith 
Date: March 25, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by John H. Storms on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Eldridge J. Smith.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
571 Columbus Ave
Handshift:Eldridge J. Smith
. / 85

You will pardon these few lines from a stranger but I have become somewhat interested in your Christian ScienceAs Written: christian science ", & therefore take the liberty to write

I first learned of you through a lady friend who had been taking treatment under Miss Brown, one of your, students, now of this city, - and the success of Miss Brown’s As Written: Browns treatment was remarkable - that I at once became interested, - said young lady had been an invalid for some three years - tried everything, & numerous physicians without avail, in fact was growing worse & in six weeks time under Miss Brown’s As Written: Browns treatment was entirely restored. I talked with her on the subject & soon found myself exceedingly interested - I purchased your two vols.Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. and read & reread - I found much in them to admire and approve of - there was a fascination about the books which fixed my attention notwithstanding As Written: not withstanding I met with many statements, & expression which I could not endorse As Written: indorse

But what staggers me the most is your interpretation of the Bible I have been engaged in the work of the Gospel Ministry for a numbers of years & of course and somewhat As Written: some what established in the fundamental ideas of the church.

I believe most thoroughly in in God as an intelligent being - as well as Jesus Christ, & I cannot think of them as not having what I have understood as personality -

I will not hesitate to admit that there is a great deal of mystery and vagueness shrouding Christian Theology it is not all plain nor satisfactory & I occupy this position I am in search of Truth the Truth - I care not from whence it comes, - of course truth can come from no other source than God - who is Truth itself. - but I mean to say I believe I am ready to let it into As Written: in to my mind & heart.

and especially have I thought the church deficient in one thing in particular viz. the healing of the bodies as well as the soul, it has always puzzled me - and I have often thought since reading your books Oh if I could only be instrumental in God’s As Written: Gods hands As Written: hads of adding the healing of the bodies, of men, to that of healing their soul. I would - feel as though I had attained to the grandest mission this side of heaven -

I hope I can say I am a learner. I want to keep learning move and more of God until the perfect dayProv 4:18 But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. .

I have met Miss Brown several times and enjoy talking with her very much she is quite anxious for me to investigate "Christian ScienceAs Written: science", further, she spoke of your very kind offer to me of free instruction for which, I most sincerely As Written: sincerly thank you, - I would like very much indeed to learn more of the science - through which this healing of the body is accomplished.

If it would not be asking too much would you let me know the requirements of the student if he is obliged to lay aside all his power "beliefs" in God's word, , oh' can your system or science be taken up and studied, as, any other work, before endorsing As Written: indorsing everything, or give time for the light to enter & convince as the investigation advances?

And how long would it require to complete the course of study and become capable of demonstration? If I could only believe that I could become efficient in this deportment I would not hesitate one moment. but it does seem so strange, - so different from anything As Written: any thing I ever heard of I must confess I am somewhat skeptical and yet I cannot doubt one case of which I know personally

Hoping these few lines may not prove an unwelcome intruders, I am your well wisher
J. H. Storms
3533 Vernon Ave
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
571 Columbus Ave
Handshift:Eldridge J. SmithE.J.S
Mch 30. / 85

You will pardon these few lines from a stranger but I have become somewhat interested in your christian science Corrected: Christian Science", & therefore take the liberty to write

I first learned of you through a lady friend who had been taking treatment under Miss Brown, one of your, students, now of this city, - and the success of Miss Browns Corrected: Brown’s treatment was remarkable - that I at once became interested, - said young lady had been an invalid for some three years - tried everything, & numerous physicians without avail, in fact was growing worse & in six weeks time under Miss Browns Corrected: Brown’s treatment was entirely restored. I talked with her on the subject & soon found myself exceedingly interested - I purchased your two vols.Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. and read & reread - I found much in them to admire and approve of - there was a fascination about the books which fixed my attention not withstanding Corrected: notwithstanding I met with many statements, & expression which I could not indorse Corrected: endorse

But what staggers me the most is your interpretation of the Bible I have been engaged in the work of the Gospel Ministry for a numbers of years & of course and some what Corrected: somewhat established in the fundamental ideas of the church.

I believe most thoroughly in in God as an intelligent being - as well as Jesus Christ, & I cannot think of them as not being having what I have understood as personality -

I will not hesitate to admit that there is a great deal of mystery and vagueness about shrouding Christian Theology it is not all plain nor satisfactory & I occupy this position I am in search of Truth the Truth - I care not from whence it comes, - of course truth can come from no other source than God - who is Truth itself. - but I mean to say I believe I am ready to let it in to Corrected: into my mind & heart.

and especially have I thought the church deficient in one thing in particular viz. the healing of the bodies as well as the soul, it has always puzzled me - and I have often thought since reading your books Oh if I could only be instrumental in Gods Corrected: God’s hads Corrected: hands of adding the healing of the bodies, of men, to that of healing their soul. I would - feel as though I had the attained to the grandest mission this side of heaven -

I hope I can say I am a learner. I want to keep learning move and more of God until the perfect dayProv 4:18 But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. .

I have met Miss Brown several times and enjoy talking with her very much she is quite anxious for me to investigate "Christian scienceCorrected: Science", further, she spoke of your very kind offer to me of free instruction for which, I most sincerly Corrected: sincerely thank you, - I would like very much indeed to learn more of the science - through which this healing of the body is accomplished.

If it would not be asking too much would you let me know the requirements of the student if he is obliged to lay aside all his power "beliefs" in God's word, , oh' can your system or science be taken up and studied, as, any other work, before indorsing Corrected: endorsing everything, or give time for the light to enter & convince as the investigation advances?

And how long would it require to complete the course of study and become capable of demonstration? If I could only believe that I could become efficient in this deportment I would not hesitate one moment. but it does seem so strange, - so different from any thing Corrected: anything I ever heard of I must confess I am somewhat skeptical and yet I cannot doubt one case of which I know personally

Hoping these few lines may not prove an unwelcome intruders, I am your well wisher
J. H. Storms
3533 Vernon Ave
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Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.