For the last three months I have been treated by a "Christian ScientistAs Written:Cientist," a Mrs L. B. Wright of Monroe WisconsinAs Written:Wis – a student of an old student of yours, a Dr Sawyer if I remember rightly, Mrs Wright has not been able to benefit me in the least, & has advised me to write to you, She would have written you herself but is very busy, & thought perhaps I could describe my own case best, as all my Communication with her has been by letter excepting once, as I am an invalidAs Written:invalide, & have been for twelve years, up to my thirteenth year my health was perfectAs Written:pirfict, then I caught a severe cold during menstruation, & it was three years before I came round again, at fourteen my health began to fail gradually As Written: gradualy at sixteen & a half years of age menstruation againAs Written:a gain appeared accompanied with great pain, & ever since I have suffered dreadfully at such times, after my second & last, child was born I was subject to frequent & severe attacks of neuralgia of the womb, which together with hard work run me down until for months at a time I would be confined to the bed, Eight years ago my nervous system entirely gone out, & for two years was confined to the bed with nervous debility, no one thought it possible for me to rally againAs Written:a gain but I did, & in two years more I had got so I could get about the house & sit up for an hour or two at a time, but have never been able to do anythingAs Written:any thing in the shape of work,
For fifteen years have suffered untold misery from chronic inflammation As Written: inflamation of the Bladder, UrethraAs Written:Uretha VaginaAs Written:Vergina RectumAs Written:Rectom lower Bowel & Womb, my Stomach is very As Written: verry weak food does not assimilateAs Written:assimiulate, & for Sixteen years have had chronic DiarrheaAs Written:Diarhoea, caused, the Drs. tell me from weakness & the state of the Stomach & lower BowelAs Written:Bowell. Have never had Indigestion I think, at least my food never distresses my Stomach,
The Womb is very badly inflamed & enlarged, & tipped forward upon the Bladder. I am also troubled with LeukorrheaAs Written:Leucorrhoea considerablyAs Written:Considderably. I have also had Catarrh for twenty years, hereditary Bronchitis, & Salt rhenna.
I am frequently melancholyAs Written:melancholly & low spirited & at [?] Unclear or illegible such times am tormented by the idea that no one cares for me or thinks anythingAs Written:any thing of me, my nervous system is so weak that if I sit up for more than about two hours at a time I grow faint & tremble like one in a chill. In short I am a most pitiable wreck, & death would be a happy release. Your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy were lent me by a friend I read them & was convinced, & though I received no benefit from Mrs Wrights treatment, I still feel that if you would try, with your superior knowledge & experience, you could cure me, & surely God will reward you for so great an [*]Archival Note: The following text was later added to the document by another annotator, disrupting the surrounding thought. ⇉ Handshift:Calvin A. Frye[*]Archival Note: There is what appears to be shorthand written here. 12 [*]Archival Note: End floating text. ⇉ Handshift:Mrs. W. B. Stevensact of mercy & I. will I think I should worship you the rest of my life.
If you do me any good please send me your bill & I will gladly pay it if it is within my means.
Hoping to hear from you soon
Yours very respectfully
Collins. Lafayette As Written: La Fayette County