Sept 3d 1886
I have been an invalid for 10 years from spinal trouble with all the suffering that that implies- part of the time quite helpless, having to be fed et ceteraAs Written:&c and again better as I am now, but I never seem to get past a certain point or make much progress toward permanent restoration to health-
About 8 weeks ago I was induced to try "Christian Science" and was treated for a week by a Mrs RootEditorial Note: Possibly Julia Anderson Root from BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts.- I did not seem to progress any and after she left droppedit- Since then providence has placed another lady in my way who has been giving me treatment with better result the past two weeks, but I cannot see her after today As Written: to-day and I am anxious to continue the treatment now as I feel I am being helped and also have a better understanding of the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science from reading your bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy which she loaned me. She advised me to write to you for absent treatment- Could you give it to me and what would be the expense? I cannot bear to give this up as I am sure it will help me in time if I only continue it and I so long to get well. I am 31 now and have been sick ever since 3 monthsAs Written:mo after I was married when I first injured my spine. Please let me hear from you soon and oblige
Enclosed find postal note for $3.00Editorial Note: $3.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $97.25 in 2023. for which please send me your book "Science & Health" to the address given above
Yours et ceteraAs Written:&c