Accession: 710AP2.85.010
Editorial Title: Mary Seymour to Mary Baker Eddy, October 19, 1885
Author: Mary Seymour 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: October 19, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Seymour on embossed lined paper from Woodstock, Illinois.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeOct 24

Please read this letter yourself, and see what you can do for me I have been so interested in your wonderful cures, and your books Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, which I have, also your Journals that we take and I have been treating with a Christian Scientist for four months, a most excellent woman I am better, but still not well, I am anxious to get well or die, I have been cut to pieces by Doctors and left to die, but still I live. if it can be called living. I had an operation on the womb a year ago last august and that together with the medicine I took, caused rectal trouble, fistulas to form, which I had cut out twice, which nearly killed me, and then I began treating with a Christian ScientistAs Written:C. S. but still, I have such a disagreeable sensation there all the time, & of course a constant dread and As Written: an fear of it then trouble with my spine, pain between my shoulders and heaviness, constant pain in my back and pain in bowels, oh those dreadful Doctors, why couldn't As Written: couldent I have known As Written: know of you before they murdered me. Is there any help for me? I am without means, without health, and friends almost, this long sickness has taken all but I have a darling little boy to live for most of the time I pray to die I am so unhappy and miserable and what I have been through harmed As Written: harmd me so, just as soon as I lie down Please read this and see what you can do for a poor suffering woman and Heaven will reward you I am sure. life is such a burden I fear sometimes I shall be tempted to something worse. I know you must have a great many letters, that you cannot attend to but please remember me, excuse this writing but it is so long since I have written letters I lie at night and talk to you. it seems to me if you could see me I might be well. Oh I have suffered so. Please direct to Mary Seymour Woodstock Illinois, if you should think worthwhileAs Written:worth while to write, and God will bless. I am alone and no one knows of my writing this

M. S.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeOct 24

Please read this letter yourself, and see what you can do for me I have been so interested in your wonderful cures, and your books Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, which I have, also your Journals wthat we take and I have been treating whith with a Christian Scientist for four months, a most excellent woman I am better, but still not well, I am anxious to get well or die, I have been cut to pieces by Doctors and left to die, but still I live. if it can be called living. I had an operation on the womb a year ago last august and that together with the medicine I took, caused rectal trouble, fistulas to form, which I had cut out twice, which nearly killed me, and then I began treating with a C. S.Expanded:Christian Scientist but still, I have such a disagreeable sensation there all the time, & of course a constant dread an Corrected: and fear of it then trouble with my spine, pain between my shoulders and heaviness, constant pain in my back and pain in bowels, oh those dreadful Doctors, why couldent Corrected: couldn't I have know Corrected: known of you before they murdered me. Is there any help for me? I am without means, without health, and friends almost, this long sickness has taken all but I have a darling little boy to live for most of the time I pray to die I am so unhappy and miserable and what I have been through harmd Corrected: harmed me so, just as soon as I lie down Please read this and see what you can do for a poor suffering woman and Heaven will reward you I am sure. life is such a burden I fear sometimes I shall be tempted to something worse. I know you must have a great many letters, that you cannot attend to but please remember me, excuse this writing but it is so long since I have written letters I lie at night and talk to you. it seems to me if you could see me I might be well. Oh I have suffered so. Please direct to Mary Seymour Woodstock Illinois, if you should think worth whileCorrected:worthwhile to write, and God will bless. I am alone and no one knows of my writing this

M. S.
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Woodstock, Illinois Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy