May 8
⇉ Handshift:unknown(Name Booked)
⇉ Handshift:Eldridge J. SmithO.K -
⇉ Handshift:Napoleon B. RynardKent, OhioAs Written:O., 5/6 1885
Yours of 5/2Editorial Note: This letter is not extant. in answer to inquires receivedAs Written:recd & gladly As Written: glady note your replies.
I enclose PostalAs Written:P. Note for $1Editorial Note: $1.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $26.53 in 2019. for - please send C.S Journal Commenced AprilAs Written:Apl NumberAs Written:No.
While I do not want to presume to much on your time I would like to inquire of you if - by such preparation as I have made for receptiveness in "living the life" both physically and spiritually would I not be better prepared to take the lessons of you privately say 2 or 3 a day Condensing of the whole in 3 or 4 days to shorten a stay in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts provided I should come - By "living the life" physically I mean: that I abstain from all forms of alcohol - that I eat no flesh – That I live (altho married) almost an absolute Chaste life - I have prepared the mind & strengthened its will power in this way - I have also prepared the mind by reading such works as, "Temple of Rosy Cross" by FB DoudEditorial Note: The Temple of the Rosy Cross by F. B. Dowd - "Isis Unveiled"Editorial Note: Isis Unveiled: A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was published in 1877 and is regarded as one of the primary texts of Theosophy. "The Perfect Way"Editorial Note: The Perfect Way is a book by Theosophists Anna Bonus Kingsford and Edward Maitland. "Occult World"Editorial Note: The Occult World is a book by Theosophist A. P. Sinnett, published in 1881. "Esoteric Buddhism"Editorial Note: Esoteric Buddhism is a book by Theosophist A. P. Sinnett, published in 1883. "Evans Printed M. C.Editorial Note: The Mental Cure" and have just sent for "Old Theology"Editorial Note: Old Theology In its Application to the Healing of the Sick, the Redemption of Man from the Bondage of Sin and Death, and his Restoration to an Everlasting Life, by Edward J. Arens. Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, 1884. I have grown from a former belief in spiritualism to something I believe to be more advanced. I am a Theosophist and believe many of the manifestations of spiritualism can be produced by mind or spirit acting on matter without the aid of so called "Medicines" - I believe Jesus to have lived and performed the many works accredited to him but I do not believe him to be Christ in the Sense of the Christian Church of today - any more than was BuddhaAs Written:Budda - I believe the Christ to be in us & When the "Soul is married to spirit" we find Christ = I think Jesus taught this – of Course he was Christ-like As Written: Christ like because he taught us true Christianity if we can only interpret As Written: interepret correctly.
I take Mr Swarts M. C. JournalEditorial Note: This is a reference to a monthly periodical published by A. J. Swarts titled The Mind Cure and Science of Life (later renamed Mental Science Magazine). and have some Correspondence with him in which he says he "Stands ready to be tested by Mrs Eddy – Arens Osgood or any other Boston teacher" also he "takes Mr Evans as the first & best authority today upon the subject"
In a recent letter he proposes Coming to ClevelandEditorial Note: Cleveland, Ohio (Only 1 1/2 hours from me) in May and offers to teach me at a very liberal rate - Your differences must be of a personal nature & I regret for both of you & the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. the Circumstances & hope to see all righted-
I would like very much to meet you & possibly I can so arrange it, I hope you can find time to reply at some length to this letter -
My particular inquiry is can I condense in 2 or 3 - or 4 days the understanding of your truth -