Accession: 707BP2.84.035
Editorial Title: Jennie M. Royce to Mary Baker Eddy, October 24, 1884
Author: Jennie M. Royce 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 24, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Jennie M. Royce on lined paper from Orwell, Vermont.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Since receiving your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. unexpected circumstances have placed me in such a position, that I shall be obliged to defer my plans in regard to entering your classEditorial Note: Class at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College which commences the third of Nov. Perhaps I can so arrange it, to join your next class, but if circumstances so permit my doing, I will write you as soon as I am confident that I can come. I received the telegramEditorial Note: This telegram is not extant. and two curriculum which I read with much interest.

Trusting this unexpected change will be no great disappointment to you

I remain Kindly Yours
Jennie M. Royce
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Since receiving your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. unexpected circumstances have placed me in such a position, that I shall be obliged to defer my plans in regard to entering your classEditorial Note: Class at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College which commences the third of Nov. Perhaps I can so arrange it, to join your next class, but if circumstances so permit my doing, I will write you as soon as I am confident that I can come. I received the telegramEditorial Note: This telegram is not extant. and two curriculum which I read with much interest.

Trusting this unexpected change will be no great disappointment to you

I remain Kindly Yours
Jennie M. Royce
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This letter is not extant. Class at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College This telegram is not extant.