Accession: 707A.84.068
Editorial Title: Jeremiah Rogers to Jennie B. Fenn, October 8, 1886
Author: Jeremiah Rogers 
Recipient: Jennie B. Fenn 
Date: October 8, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Jeremiah Rogers on lined paper from Beatrice, Nebraska.
Archival Note: This letter was enclosed in 277.41.015, from Jennie B. Fenn to Mary Baker Eddy.
Related Topic: 277.41.015Digital document 277.41.015 not available, 671.73A.011Digital document 671.73A.011 not available
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

as the one meeting of Importance has Just closedAs Written:cloosed & I now have Something of consequence to write As Written: wright I even at this Late hour 11 P. M. Proceed As Written: Procede to Do so the 2 Farlow girlesEditorial Note: Emma L. Farlow and Sarah A. Farlow came home and Refused to attend As Written: atend our meetings Both Sabbath & Students this called for ImmediateAs Written:Imediate & Decisive As Written: Desisive action on our Part In defense As Written: defence of Christian ScienceAs Written:C S Standing & Claims As Written: Claimes we find, that they wereAs Written:ware DoingAs Written:Doeng So By Reason of Mrs C– advice As Written: advise and now the only thing Left For us to Do we Have Done As Written: Don and await the Result Namely Placed As Written: Placsed the matter in Mrs Eddy's Hands For Adjustment Mrs C Says As Written: Sayes She is Ready to go at any time and make answer or charges for She claims As Written: claimes to be unwilling to Say aught until As Written: untill She Has to and is expecting a Call at any time and is Ready Now we feel As Written: feal confident that you are Ready also that this State of affairs is not ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science is very well known By us all and must Stop we as an association Do not Propose to Tolerate As Written: Tolarate its influence at Least any Longer & we feelAs Written:feal confidentAs Written:confidint that this Course Will meet With your approval As Written: aproval Have not quite finished my House yet think shall Be able to get awayAs Written:a way in about one week more Do not know Just where As Written: whare Shall go Please Drop me a Line saying Just what you think As Written: thnk of this act — and oblige

RespectfullyAs Written:Resp:— Yours in L. T. &, LEditorial Note: Probably Life, Truth, and Love
J Rogers CS
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

as the one meeting of Importance has Just cloosedCorrected:closed & I now have Something of consequence to wright Corrected: write I even at this Late hour 11 P. M. Procede Corrected: Proceed to Do so the 2 Farlow girlesEditorial Note: Emma L. Farlow and Sarah A. Farlow came home and Refused to atend Corrected: attend our meetings Both Sabbath & Students this called for ImediateCorrected:Immediate & Desisive Corrected: Decisive action on our Part In defence Corrected: defense of C SExpanded:Christian Science Standing & Claimes Corrected: Claims we find, that they wareCorrected:were DoengCorrected:Doing So By Reason of Mrs C– advise Corrected: advice and now the only thing Left For us to Do we Have Don Corrected: Done and await the Result Namely Placsed Corrected: Placed the matter in Mrs Eddy's Hands For Adjustment Mrs C Sayes Corrected: Says She is Ready to go at any time and make answer or charges for She claimes Corrected: claims to be unwilling to Say aught untill Corrected: until She Has to and is expecting a Call at any time and is Ready Now we feal Corrected: feel confident that you are Ready also that this State of affairs is not ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science is very well known By us all and must Stop we as an association Do not Propose to Tolarate Corrected: Tolerate its influence at Least any Longer & we fealCorrected:feel confidintCorrected:confident that this Course Will meet With your aproval Corrected: approval Have not quite finished my House yet think shall Be able to get a wayCorrected:away in about one week more Do not know Just whare Corrected: where Shall go Please Drop me a Line saying Just what you thnk Corrected: think of this act — and oblige

RespExpanded:Respectfully:— Yours in L. T. &, LEditorial Note: Probably Life, Truth, and Love
J Rogers CS
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Emma L. Farlow and Sarah A. Farlow Christian Science Probably Life, Truth, and Love