I feel some Higher Power directing me to write and explain all – regarding my urgent desire to have a few moments conversation with you at your home. I now fully realize it perhaps would have been better to have done so in my note. but I was so sure of the interview I could not bring myself to think it best. The Hopkins School are doing a great deal to influence the mortal minds in Chicago against you. To do this hinders “Science & Health”Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. being taught as you would desire. Our glorious causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science in all its truth is being adulterated with various ideas.
I feel so truly Gods truth as taught by you, I cannot have this go on and keep still. I said to 50 persons before I left Chicago you will hear & know different when I return. I was told I could only reach you through a large sum of money, that you had fallen & lost your powers of healing. avarice As Written: averice & gain made you mortal & many other things not here mentioned. I said no; the woman who wrote “Science & Health”Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. and discovered Divine healing could not fall below her truly spiritual existence. but mortal minds said “we will wait your return & see.” Dear Mrs Eddy do not think I am expressing my meaning too harsh—but, had you have given me that little cup of cold waterMatt 10:42 And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward. (notwithstanding it had have been a sacrifice As Written: sacrafice ) in the mastersEditorial Note: Jesus Christ name. I could on my return have very soon sent on wings of love & truth these 50 different thoughts. saying How glad we are to know it was not true what they (The Hopkins School) said. And then they would have taken up a course of study
I sometimes wondered if these mortal minds did not effect as their bitter thoughts and cruel words are uttered. and sent out over the wires of this life. I understand how you can greatly hold yourself above this mortal life – but I know at present this life & its erring thoughts are a power. and must be handled for the greatest good in the end.
God bless you for what you have done for me & mine. Our only child (a son 4 years old) was cured by Mrs McIntosh of Englewood (living here in one of Chicagos nearest Suburbs). I said I must know this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science by which you have restored our dear son. I took a course of study with Mrs McIntosh.
I feel myself but an infant in the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I intend to go higher and higher as I become clearer in my spiritual understanding. My circumstances permits me to teach free, to those who have not the means to pay for a course of study.
I wish to teach Christian Science as taught by you. To my mind the teaching is of greater importance then the healing. I shall not feel satisfied until I receive a course from you. wherebyAs Written:where by I can teach thoroughly
This trip to Boston was a hasty one with my husband. I could not take any more time just now. I must not tax you longer. Might I hope to receive just a few lines from you?
79 Market st
IllinoisAs Written:Ill.
I have been told it is better not to teach free under any circumstances. Is this true?