Sept 5
⇉ Handshift:Mamie A. RichardsonCorinnaEditorial Note: Corinna, Maine August 18th 1885
Having heard quite a lot of the "Mind Cure." I thought I would like to know the facts regarding it. I have been sick over three years and thought some of learning it if I ever get well.
But want to know all about what it is etc, before I should fully decide to learn, if I get well, and could learn. Is it Spiritualism, or Mesmerism? The general opinion seems to be that it is. Do the students have to commit to memory the questions and answers given in Volume 1st of "Science and Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy? Is there any more than those questions & answers that have to be learned? if so, how much? If there is more than those questions and answers to be learned, how can anyoneAs Written:any one cure themselves by reading the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy? I understand some have cured themselves by reading them. I have read them but could not cure myself. Some say of course it is not all put in to those booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. and one said guess I'd find there is somethingAs Written:some thing else to learn and it is Spiritualism and Mesmerism. Now I want you to write me all the facts and particulars for I should not want to make up my mind to go and learn till I knew the whole truth of the subject, and as you were the founder of itEditorial Note: Christian Science I thought you would be the one to ask about it expecting to get the facts of the thing. What are your terms for teaching it, and what is board per week? Are there many that fail to learn it? I fear I might be one of the number that fail. I cannotAs Written:can not commit to memory very quick, and forget easily. I heard there was a Lady in Dover Maine that was capable of teaching it, by the name of Payne. Do you know whether she is capable or would be a safe teacher or not? Can many or anyoneAs Written:any one teach it after learning it? Do you suppose I could learn it? If I was to learn it could I go at any time convenient As Written: convienent to me after I get well or are there certain dates that scholars have to go? I am not asking all these questions simply for fun or to publish but for information. I wish this to be strictly private no one knows of my writing this but my Mother and Father, and as I am dependent upon them for my support and my sickness has been a great deal of expense, and I know not how much more may be I should not want to pay out to learn it unless it is a thoroughly As Written: thouroughally good work and I could thus do good in the world, and in this work repay my parents also the great tax my sickness was been to them. Thursday, Do the students at the close of their study have to write out their ideas as they understand what they have studied, in order to graduate, to receive their diploma? or what do they have to do? Do the most of the students find the study very hard to learn, very difficult to understand? Mrs Dr. Tash of Clinton Maine I have heard learned this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science at BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts and I have heard people thought she learned of some one round here. Did she learn it of you, or at the Metaphysical College? Some people round here think that it is Mesmerism and soon as that influence is gone the patient will be just as sick as before. Is it anything of the kind? If the students have to write out their understanding of the "Science"Editorial Note: Christian Science is it read by the teacher privately, or before the scholars, by the student or the teacher? I guess you will think I ask questions enough But please answer them soon giving me the true answers for I wish to know the facts of it all. I have not written this to be impudent and please don’t As Written: dont consider it so I wish this to be strictly private between us and please burn this soon as you answer it, please find stamp enclosed to pay return postage. Do you board your students? I have heard it takes three weeks to learn it. Doesn't it ever take any of the students longer than that? I want to know all the facts, for I should not learn it if is not a thoroughly As Written: thouroughally good work. The "Mind Cure" Dr in a near town says it is not Spiritualism People say "of course they will deny it and give it a new name and go and study and all that to make it more popular and appear different." One of our neighbors says it is Spiritualism, but a little in advance, this neighbor is a Spiritualist and has doctored. But we never employed her. Now please answer giving all the particulars in truth, soon, and burn this letter soon as you answer it. and please do not take it as impudent or saucy for I do not mean it in any such way. It is simply for true information that I write this.