Sunday July 4th 1886
i thought i would write you a letter todayAs Written:to day telling you how i felt after getting As Written: geting one of your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy beforeAs Written:be fore i got your book i thought there was nobody As Written: nobodey that had the same kind of a mind as i had but when i got aholdAs Written:a hold of one of your books i found out that there was somebodyAs Written:some bodey elseAs Written:elce had the same kind of a mind as i did i got the book on sunday night and i read As Written: red it one hour and i don'tAs Written:dont believeAs Written:be lieve there was a happier fellow in the world than i was As Written: wass your mind was Just exactly as my mind was and i don't As Written: dont suppose you have any As Written: aney idea how i thanked God that night that i got one of your books i had the rheumatism As Written: rumatism and neuralgia As Written: neraliga i did not feel any As Written: aney better thatAs Written:thut dayAs Written:yay but i read As Written: red an hour the second As Written: seckond night the third day i did not have a pain aroundAs Written:a round me and i have got the book read As Written: red once through althoughAs Written:all though i am bothered As Written: botherd with my head yet especially As Written: esspeculy on a hot day i have got the catarrh As Written: cattarach in my head althoughAs Written:all though i hope it will be removedAs Written:re moved in a short time after my head is all right i can count myselfAs Written:my self well i tell you if i could not get anotherAs Written:a nother book like it i would not take 5 hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $500.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $15,566.80 in 2022. for it i've As Written: ive been a member of the BaptistAs Written:biptist for 11 years and i never got so much good in that 11 years that i got in reading your book once through it'sAs Written:its gettingAs Written:geting so nowadaysAs Written:now days that there is very little christianity in them and i have got so that i don't As Written: dont care uniting As Written: uniteing with them i hope to be a christian healer myselfAs Written:my self i am going to try and go intoAs Written:in to Mr filberts class he's As Written: hes the one that i got the book from i heard As Written: herd the baptist minister preach on this text come un to me all yea that labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest take my yoke up on you and learn of me for i am week and loly in hart and you shall find rest unto your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is lightMatt 11:28 ¶Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matt 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matt 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. i used As Written: use to think it was pretty hard to do when i see what little christianity there was in the church but when i read As Written: red the book through i see how easy his yoke is and how light his burden is when i look in the right sense As Written: sence of it whereverAs Written:whair ever your book is it does so much good everybodyAs Written:every bodey that has it they tell how much good it does them the Mormons As Written: mormans when they claim to heal As Written: heall the sick they lay hands on the sick and anointAs Written:annoint theirAs Written:there headsAs Written:hedds with oil and a happy thought came over me and that was this that if Christ anointedAs Written:annointed theirAs Written:there heads with oil it was the oil of gladness that was light of As Written: f life truth and love that is the kind of oil to anointAs Written:an oint theirAs Written:there heads with that's As Written: thats all the oil i believeAs Written:be lieve in i hope i will have good luck betweenAs Written:be tween now and Winter that i can go in Mr filberts class althoughAs Written:all though i will take 1 hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $100.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $3,113.36 in 2022. in cash down and i hope i can make the money and i would like you to treat me once as i am poor and don't As Written: dont feel able to pay the money now and if you ever write and want some money i will try and send it to you please excuse poor writing As Written: writeing this is from a friend of Mr filberts
i believe a person As Written: persen can be treated a way off as well As Written: weell as near As Written: neer as God is mind