Accession: 705A.83.025
Editorial Title: Jane M. Rand to Mary Baker Eddy, April 5, 1886
Author: Jane M. Rand 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 5, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Jane M. Rand on lined paper from Littleton, New Hampshire.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Madam,

YoursEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. is received through Mrs Robinson,

Will you permit me to make a statement of facts respecting my case– I studied with Miss Bartlett June 1885As Written:"85 at the urgent advise of Mrs Robinson. Miss B.'s class was held at LisbonEditorial Note: Lisbon, New Hampshire.– This spring, when she opened a class here, she very kindly invited me to attend, which I did most gladly. While attending her late class, I received letters from Leadville ColoradoAs Written:Colo, urging me to come there & teach Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S.

I submitted the letters to Miss Bartlett, & suggested that a ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist be sent there as I was not fitted to teach. Miss B. said. "you can be fitted, by studying with Mrs Eddy, & going through the Normal Class,". She said that there would be a class in May possibly earlier & she would let me know about it on her return to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts, She thought she should have time to talk with you about it, before setting out on her southern trip. Her letter was written after she left Boston, & was delayed, & was a week or more on the way, consequently I received it only a very few days before your April class began, & was unprepared to leave in several ways, I may have misunderstood Miss Bartlett as to the time your spring class would open,

I never knew that one hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $100.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $2,882.66 in 2021. would be added to the tuition of a student'sAs Written:students student And I am very sorry, as it adds another obstacle to my studying with you,– supposing, that you permit me to do so, which I most devoutly hope to do in due time– I have always planned to study with you, & Miss Bartlett advised me to do so last summer, but I had not the means then, so did the next best thing, as we all thought, & I shall be very sorry to learn that we were in error

I will not take up your valuable time by adding more, but leave you to read "between the lines" much , that I have omitted;

Yours very truly & respectfully
Jane M Rand.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Madam,

YoursEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. is received through Mrs Robinson,

Will you permit me to make a statement of facts respecting my case– I studied with Miss Bartlett June "85Expanded:1885 at the urgent advise of Mrs Robinson. Miss B.'s class was held at LisbonEditorial Note: Lisbon, New Hampshire.– This spring, when she opened a class here, she very kindly invited me to attend, which I did most gladly. While attending her late class, I received letters from Leadville ColoExpanded:Colorado, urging me to come there & teach C. S.Expanded:Christian Science

I submitted the letters to Miss Bartlett, & suggested that a ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist be sent there as I was not fitted to teach. Miss B. said. "you can be fitted, by studying with Mrs Eddy, & going through the Normal Class,". She said that there would be a class in May possibly earlier & she would let me know about it on her return to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts, She thought she should have time to talk with you about it, before setting out on her southern trip. Her letter was written after she left Boston, & was delayed, & was a week or more on the way, consequently I received it only a very few days before your April class began, & was unprepared to leave in [?] Unclear or illegible  several ways, I may have misunderstood Miss Bartlett as to the time your spring class would open,

I never knew that one hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $100.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $2,882.66 in 2021. would be added to the tuition of a studentsCorrected:student's student And I am very sorry, as it adds another obstacle to my studying with you,– supposing, that you permit me to do so, which I most devoutly hope to do in due time– I have always planned to study with you, & Miss Bartlett advised me to do so last summer, but I had not the means then, so did the next best thing, as we all thought, & I shall be very sorry to learn that we were in error

I will not take y up your valuable time by adding more, but leave you to read "between the lines" much more, that I have omitted;

Yours very truly & respectfully
Jane M Rand.
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Littleton, New Hampshire This letter is not extant. Lisbon, New Hampshire Christian Scientist Boston, Massachusetts $100.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $2,882.66 in 2021.