Accession: 705A.83.023
Editorial Title: Jane M. Rand to Mary Baker Eddy, February 20, 1885
Author: Jane M. Rand 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: February 20, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Jane M. Rand from Littleton, New Hampshire.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

My friend, Mrs Robinson counseled me to write directly to you in reply to a notice As Written: natice from Mr Frye, I fear that I cannot make arrangements to join your classEditorial Note: Class at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College on March 2d as I would like very much to do. but I hope to be able to be present at the next one. if you will kindly notify me when it will be – will it be likely to be in April or May?

I am now hampered in more ways than one, but hope the way will open for me to study Christian Science with you before long. Meantime. I am watching Mrs Robinson’s As Written: Robinsons work with great interest & am rejoicing in her success, for she is succeeding. beyond her expectations. I think, though she has much to overcome in the prejudice & intolerance As Written: intolerence of many people,

Hoping As Written: Hopeing to meet you in due time I remain

Yours very truly
(Mrs) Jane M Rand
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

My friend, Mrs Robinson counseled me to write directly to you in reply to a natice Corrected: notice from Mr Frye, I fear that I cannot make arrangements to join your classEditorial Note: Class at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College on March 2d as I would like very much to do. but I hope to be able to be present at the next one. if you will kindly notify me when it will be – will it be likely to be in April or May?

I am now hampered in more ways than one, but hope the way will open for me to study Christian Science with you before long. Meantime. I am watching Mrs Robinsons Corrected: Robinson’s work with great interest & am rejoicing in her success, for she is succeeding. beyond her expectations. I think, though she has much to overcome in the prejudice & intolerence Corrected: intolerance of many people,

Hopeing Corrected: Hoping to meet you in due time I remain

Yours very truly
(Mrs) Jane M Rand
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Class at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College