Having As Written: Haveing been a careful student of your book, "Science and Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy for the past year – I am very anxious to take the Normal Course at your College— I expect soon to take lessons of a Normal class graduate – and have already healed a great many of my friends, and acquaintances as the enclosed letter, and extract from a letterEditorial Note: These letters are not extant., from Miss Lutie St. John, daughter of Gov, St. J. of Kansas — Will testify.–– My husband is the pastor of the 1st, Congregational Church of this place: his Salary is not large, and as it takes all that he receives for us to live in this "high-priced" locality, I shall be compelled to earn the money for this trip by my own endeavors. Will you please answer the following questions; Do you make any discount for pupils living As Written: liveing at a great distance from BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts? Could I, if, able to secure the requisite amount of money for tuition, enter the class in obstetrics immediately after finishing the Normal? What shall I have to pay as tuition? that is if you make any reduction on account of distance –as I have been informed.
P. S.
I should hope to take the course in the Spring —
Mrs. J, H, Phillips.
I think I should have said that I had been healed of "a belief of consumptionEditorial Note: tuberculosis"– of ten years' As Written: years standing, by Mrs Jane M. Rand, your late pupil — – Mrs J. H. P.