Accession: 691B.79.032
Editorial Title: Sophia B. Maxwell to Mary Baker Eddy, October 22, 1886
Author: Sophia B. Maxwell 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 22, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Sophia B. Maxwell on unlined printed stationery of the State of Iowa Librarian’s Office, from Des Moines, Iowa.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Madam.

I am very much interested in the new Metaphysics and desire to study it for the benefit of my family and myself and as my time is limited, as well as my means, I wish to start right and to this end will you kindly direct me what course to pursue?

Is it not better to study before attending lectures and if so what books are best to use?

Please tell me also, is there any difference except in name, between Christian Science and Mental Science or Mental Cure?

Believing that your Mission is to spread the Gospel and do good, to all who come, I make bold to address you, though at the same time feeling that this is an imposition upon your time.

With much respect I am
Very truly yours
Mrs. S. B. Maxwell
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Madam.

I am very much interested in the new Metaphysics and desire to study it for the benefit of my family and myself and as my time is limited, as well as my means, I wish to start right and to this end will you kindly direct me what course to pursue?

Is it not better to study before attending lectures and if so what books are best to use?

Please tell me also, is there any difference except in name, between Christian Science and Mental Science or Mental Cure?

Believing that your Mission is to spread the Gospel and do good, to all who come, I make bold to address you, though at the same time feeling that this is an imposition upon your time.

With much respect I am
Very truly yours
Mrs. S. B. Maxwell
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