Will sendAs Written:snd to your
order S & HEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. that contains entire
principleAs Written:prin & practiceAs Written:prac of MetaphysicalAs Written:MetEditorial Note: Healing
AnsweredAs Written:Ans. Dec 15
⇉ Handshift:R. LathropSan Francisco CaliforniaAs Written:Cal. ,
Dec. 5th /84.
May I take the liberty of asking you to send me something that will enable me to inform myself regarding the mind cure? The few crumbs I have gleamed only stimulate my desire for more; and I will be very grateful if you will help me help myself. I am upon the sea of uncertainty and indecision – sailing without As Written: with out chart or compass. I am trying to solve the question shall I, or shall I not, give the remainder of my life to the study of Medicine. I perceive a little of the differences of the various systems of practice, - and that little causes me to hesitate before I undertake what if once undertaken, I can never turn back from Desiring to investigate the mind cure, and being prepared, to a certain extent, to receive what the world is pleased to call very advanced ideas – I shall await with a pleasurable anxiety your answer.
If you should send me any work on the subject, I will immediately refund the amount if you will mention the price.
Yours, with intense sympathy with all that pertains to the operations of mind. –