Accession: 682A.77.005
Editorial Title: Sarah J. Achorn to Mary Baker Eddy, March 14, 1886
Author: Sarah J. Achorn 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: March 14, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Sarah J. Achorn on embossed lined paper from Waldoboro, Maine.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. Frye[*]Archival Note: There is what appears to be shorthand written here. 6
Dear Mrs Eddy:

My babe was born under the treatment of your student, Mrs Mary Harris, she is a year old the 22d of this month, she cannot sit alone neither can she stand up straight As Written: strait on her feet. three months ago, I took her to see two physicians, they pronounced her disease derangement of the nerves, they said her nerves had laid dormant from her birth. her eyes are sore, and her left ear keeps discharging a white matter which irritates the surface of the ear and makes it sore, she is very humory it shows on her face, it acts like scrofulaAs Written:scrofular. there seems to be some trouble with her throat or head (I cannot tell which) that makes her breathe hard, she will neither laugh, play or notice anythingAs Written:any thing, neither can I attract her attention very readily by speaking to her. she wants to sit or lay all curled up most of the time, she has always been costive. Mrs Poole treated her when she was little and she did not get any better, then I wrote to Mrs Harris but she is no better. she only weighs 18 lbs. her body is quite large but her, head, feet and hands are scarcely any larger than they were when she was born. the top of her head, does not widen out and develop as it should, and that is what causes her backwardness, besides she does not seem to have any strength in her neck, back, and legs there are four other children, neighbors of ours of about the same age of mine, two of them can stand alone and the other two can walk. God only knows how bad it makes me feel to see those great healthy laughing children, and then look at my poor little helpless babe. Oh you cannot realize my feelings unless you are a Mother, she is just as helpless as a child a month old. I am a firm believer in Christian Science, but most of the people around here know nothing about it. and say that if I had not been treated when she were born she would be well now as the rest of them, but I do not believe it. I was nearly two years ago of bilious colic of seven years standing by Mrs Poole. We are farmers have been married three years and this is our first and only child, we are quite comfortably situated but are far from rich, my Husband and I have been talking about taking baby to see you, how long do you think it would take you to cure her, or could you treat her just as well not to see her. How much do you think it would cost in either case? you may think strange of my asking these questions. but they are of great consequence to me, and I trust you will pardon me if I seem rude or offensive, for nothing can be farther from my intentions, I shall trust to your great kindness of heart, and christian sympathy, for a mother in distress and if I write anythingAs Written:any thing offensive Please pardon me, and answerAs Written:ans this yourself I should so like to hear from you it would make me feel better, and tell me what you think about it, I have read in your Journal that you do not take any patients now, but will you not heal my child. I feel that I cannot trust her to any but you. Please answerAs Written:ans soon.

May God's As Written: Gods blessing ever rest upon you,
Mrs C. Jachorn
Orffs CornerAs Written:Cor
MaineAs Written:Me
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. Frye[*]Archival Note: There is what appears to be shorthand written here. 6
Dear Mrs Eddy:

My babe was born under the treatment of your student, Mrs Mary Harris, she is a year old the 22d of this month, she cannot sit alone neither can she stand up strait Corrected: straight on her feet. three months ago, I took her to see two physicians, they pronounced her disease derangement of the nerves, they said her nerves had laind dormant from her birth. her eyes are sore, and her left ear keeps discharging a white matter which irritates the surface of the ear and makes it sore, she is very humory it shows on her face, it acts like scrofularCorrected:scrofula. there seems to be some trouble with her throat or head (I cannot tell which) that makes her breathe hard, she will neither laugh, play or notice any thingCorrected:anything, neither can I attract her attention very readily by speaking to her. she wants to sit or lay all curled up most of the time, she has always been costive. Mrs Poole treated her when she was little and she did not get any better, then I wrote to Mrs Harris but she is no better. she only weighs 18 lbs. her body is quite large but her, head, feet and hands are scarcely any larger than they were when she was born. the top of her head, does not widen out and develop as it should, and that is what causes her backwardness, besides she does not seem to have any strengtsh in her neck, back, and legs there are four other children, neighbors of ours of about the same age of mine, two of them can stand alone and the other two can walk. God only knows how bad it makes me feel to see those great healthy laughing children, and then look at my poor little helpless babe. Oh you cannot realize my feelings unless you are a [?] Unclear or illegible  Mother, she is just as helpless as a child a month old. I am a firm believer in Christian Science, but most of the people around here know hnothing about it. and say that if I had not been treated when she were born she would be well now as the rest of them, but I do not believe it. I was nearly two years ago of bilious colic of seven years standing by Mrs Poole. wWe are farmers have been married three years and this is our first and only child, we are quite comfortably situated but are far from rich, my Husband and I have been talking about taking baby to see you, how long do you think it you would take you to cure her, or could you treat her just as well not to see her. How much do you think it would cost in either case? you may think strange of my asking these questions. but they are of great consequence to me, but and I trust you will pardon me if I seem rude or offensive, for nothing can be farther from my intentions, I shall trust to your great kindness of heart, and christian sympathy, for a mother in distress and if I write any thingCorrected:anything offensive Please parfdon me, and ansExpanded:answer this yourself I should so like to hear from you it you would make me feel better, and tell me ywhat you think about it, I have read in your Journal that you do not take any patients now, but will you not heal my child. I feel that I cannot trust her to any but you. Please ansExpanded:answer soon.

May Gods Corrected: God's blessing ever rest upon you,
Mrs C. Jachorn
Orffs CorExpanded:Corner
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There is what appears to be shorthand written here. Orffs Corner is located in Waldoboro, Maine.