⇉ Handshift:Arthur HuntGreeley Colo
16/4/1886As Written:86
I have been reading your excellent As Written: excelent work, on Christian Science and would like to understand more fully the principles As Written: principals of that "Divine Science"Editorial Note: Christian Science as I am laboring As Written: labouring for the benefit of erring humanity trying to lead them to a better higher hope in following the blessed Jesus, as he walked in the light of the Divine Creator. I would like to be able to heal the sick in connection with the work of ministry, but I am too As Written: to poor to pay for a course of instruction, as I haven't As Written: havent anything but what I earn at colporteur As Written: colperteur work in connection with my other work, I don't As Written: dont want to know how to cure. that I may make anything in this world's goods but that I may be a benefit to my fellow men. will you please send me your terms, for instruction and if you will give instruction, on a promise to pay at a future time. or can you give instruction here without a person being As Written: beign present at the college, and can you restore the eyesightAs Written:eye sight that has been put out with scissorsAs Written:scissor's 27 years ago as I am in that fix. I would like to hear from you if possible. hoping for a favorable As Written: favourable reply