225 East Broadway
Louisville KentuckyAs Written:Ky. May 31. 1886
Several weeks since, a work. of yours was ordered through our largest Book Concern, entitled "Science & Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy – learning afterward that the title given was not that of the special work wanted, I corrected in favor of "Christian Science"- again the order was sent- but no report As Written: repot came for weeks – when a postal, to the abovementioned As Written: above mentioned firm, stating that an incorrect title had been given; and that a Catalogue of the books of The Metaphysical Society would be forwarded; nearly three weeks have elapsed, and no farther word has been, received. I write to be informed if you have such a book, and the price. I have heard of parties in other cities, who own the work- but do not know upon what conditions - whether the Circulation is limited– Please inform me at your earliest Convenience as I have been over two months endeavoring to learn something on the subject-