⇉ Handshift:Ella FuquaKnoxville. Illinois.
September. 24. 1884.
Through Mrs. A. A. Lynde I hear of you and your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.. And as I wishAs Written:wishe to learn more of them I write to you to know the prices. Mrs Lynde tells me by reading them that one can cure themselvesAs Written:themself. I have been sick for ten years and have triedAs Written:tryed all schools of doctoring but cannot get relief. they tell me that I have enlargement of the stomach, liver, and spleen, which produces Asthma palpitationAs Written:palpation of the heart neuralgiaAs Written:neauraliga and rheumatism and that I also had the kidney disease and congestionAs Written:conjestion of the womb. attended with virginal catarrhAs Written:catarah and all the mucus membranesAs Written:membrains was as raw as a pieceAs Written:peise of beef. and it was all caused from scrofulaAs Written:scroffola my skin all over me is very scalyAs Written:scaley and have been so since birth. I always have been weaklyAs Written:weekly. but not as I am now. life is so dreary. and death so dark I want to be reconciled to it but can't They tell me you are a healer are there any hopes for me. do pleaseAs Written:pleas write me a word and put my mind at ease I want to make my mind to live or die which will it be pleaseAs Written:pleas do tell me what is your pricesAs Written:prises for treatments also for your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.. excuse me for occupying so much of your time. but I feel it does me good to write you and do pleaseAs Written:pleas let me hear from you and oblige