Having just read the April No. of your paper, “Journal of Christian Science,” & am so well pleased with it, I take the liberty to address you this letter in order to become better acquainted with the laudable & humane work to which your paper is devoted. I should be glad to obtain a copy of your catalogue or any circulars you may have giving particulars of the medical instruction received at your College. In a word, I am desirous to become fully posted in your work, as I have been interested in mental Science & the "Mind Cure" for the past 15 years; and am sure, from reading our copy of your paper, that you have struck the key note of the highest & noblest of Sciences.
I see your terms are $300Editorial Note: $300 in 1884 is the equivalent of $8,306.69 in 2017.-- less to indigent students. As $300Editorial Note: $300 in 1884 is the equivalent of $8,306.69 in 2017. is beyond the means of many, will you inform me what your lowest terms are? Also if you give agencies to sell your books; & if so, on what terms? As regards myself, as I am a stranger to you, permit me to say that I have been in the ministry for the past 27 years; 8 years in the Universalist Church, and since independent. Your views, so far as I can judge them, please me very much, and I think I can aid you. I am impressed that my work is in the same line of yours, & hence my wish to become acquainted with your teachings.
P.S. As Dr. is to my name on my card I will explain further that at the outstart of my public life I studied the Eclectic System of medicine & practiced 2 years before I began preaching, & more or less ever since; am now practicing healing by the laying on of hands & the "Mind Cure in connection with my lectures.