My dear leader in the truth. The writer would be a humble follower in the great truths as taught by You and every day is bringing stronger proof that the source is divine.
My greatest regret has been that I have never been able to come to You for teaching direct but believe that I have been able to partly understand You even though such personal explanation as I have received As Written: recieved did not seem to be imbued with that spiritual sen se which seems to characterize Your conceptions of the truth. I seem to be able to demonstrate through this same — the spirit that beareth witnessRom 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: — and hope by being steadfast to grow in the faith and power. Sometimes I feel thankful As Written: thankfull that I have never been to Boston thereby escaping As Written: escapeing the personal feeling and prejudice As Written: predjudice which I see evinced by many who have become tinged with the feeling among factions even to recognizing error in our great leader weakening themselves and others thereby and t ainting what should be the pure air of Spirit in which those should move who should have become brothers in the true sense of the word bearers of each other burdens and weaknessGal 6:2 Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. Rom 15:1 We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. . Forgive this encroachment on Your As Written: You time but I do feel a desire to treat those conditions every time they manifest themselves to me and I have done so in the case of those who have been in the place As Written: plac of teachers to me.
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