May 22
⇉ Handshift:M. Augusta FairchildOpera House, Hannibal MissouriAs Written:Mo
May 18. 1885
I thank you for the delightful words of encouragement.
Allow me to trespass upon your time just once again. Without much detail, let me say I can probably get the money necessary to pay traveling expenses and what may be incurred during the stay in Boston – Now, what next? I have a lot in this town which cost me over six hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $600.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $15,909.77 in 2019.. It is on what is named "Reservoir hill". A high bluff overlooking the Mississippi RiverAs Written:river - (Mark Twain says the view from that point is the finest on the river)
On the tract is a fine quarry –
I will make you a deed to the whole two and a half acres, and you hold it for such time as you may be suited in doing, and if I can pay you the money within that time, I will. If I live (speaking after the manner etceteraAs Written:&c) it will be paid you in money, if not, you are abundantly secured.
You may ask, why not sell the lot here and now? Because, 1st I do not suppose a forced sale will bring nearly its value, as property is everywhere depressed just now throughout the West.
2ndAs Written:2d. I do not work people to know of my –impecuniosity:- Probably it’s not necessary for me to say that my Colorado investment took "back action" as they say in the West; and while I am not financially ruined, I am in "tight papers". And every day seems a lost one while I work with "material methods" when my convictions lead me so far from them.
All I have and am, I wish to use in the furtherance of this CauseEditorial Note: Christian Science which As Written: whit you, under God, have founded. I have not taken up this from mere wild impulse - My way has been through doubt and close watching - and patient search. I feel sure now, you are in the right. I want you for my teacher. And so write as I do. If it will suit you to accept my offer, I can come next class. If not I will wait until the money can be earned. I hope to be with you sometimeAs Written:some time: -