Oct. 8th 1886
I have lately learned that a bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy is -issued by you or your society, which seems to me must meet my wishes. I have naturally a "gift for and of healing" which circumstances have hindered from development.
I feel that I am not yet too old- 56- to do some good where so many are afflicted- could you or would you advise me in 'this matter it is the one wish of my life now. I am not very strong having bronchial trouble but not serious, could I first heal myself, and thereby be better able to do for others I have dear children who need health and I desire this great boon as much for their sakes as for any.
Should you consider it not necessary to reply only by sending the book it will be so considered by me should you reply personally I will be very grateful
P. S. The name of the book spoken of is I believe Science and healthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy