I have read and studied your "Science and Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy- and think I have penetrated through words to the real teaching you give: with a few exceptions - I believe As Written: beleive I understand you. I have been a student of the Mental Cure for the past year, and am desirous of more knowledge.
I would like to know what would be your terms for teaching were it possible for me to come to you, and what length of time would be required. I presume my past year of study would be of benefit, and enable me to have a course of instructions in less time than would otherwise be required. Could I have your instructions at any season of the year - I might be able to come, or would it necessitate me coming at a given time?
My circumstances As Written: circumctances are such it will require the strictest economy for me to accomplish my desire. If I am not able to do this – do you give written instructions?- if so what would your charges be in that case.?
Hoping to hear from you at your earliest convenience
Most Sincerely Yours-
CaliforniaAs Written:Calafornia.