Jan 25 1885
Having been raised from a bed of sickness by one of your students – Mrs Bakin I feel a deep interest in the Metaphysical CureEditorial Note: Christian Science and long to see others restored to health in the same way
We are now reading your Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. and are much impressed and benefited As Written: bennefited , and desire to understand and learn all we can of the wonderful Science of Christian healingEditorial Note: Christian Science and help others to the same source to be healed. We make bold to bring a poor suffering invalid to you given up by her attending physician and on what her friends and others suppose her death bed. We have such faith in this method of cure as the true way that we cannot give her up. I will try and state her case as well as possible, as it may be necessary. It has now been about thirteen years since she received an injury to her knee, while getting into bed, strained it in some way, she was very sick for some time As Written: sometime and received treatment from several of the best physicians without any benefit, until As Written: untill there was a clairvoyant doctor came here from Boston, by the name of Barton, who got her from her bed so that she could walk with the aid of a cane; when she fell again and getting discouraged was worse than ever. She recovered enough after that to sit in her wheelchair As Written: wheel chair and go from room to room; but her head and eyes have troubled her at the time so that she could not look up or bear the light and, could only see by glancing quickly then dropping her eyes. Her doctors say her nervous system is so completely shattered that there is nothing to build on. For the last few months she has been much worse, and longs either to die or get well, but wishes very much to see a metaphysician, and thinks her life is spared that the works of God may be made manifest in raising her upJohn 9:1 And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. John 9:2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? John 9:3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. . She is at present in a very weak state is taking some composing medicine and thinks she cannot do without it to deaden the distress she suffers her hands are so weak that she feels the jar of every step and cannot bear the least noise. We have heard and also read in your Science and Health that you can treat patients Metaphysically when absent from them and without ever seeing each other, if you do not take patients yourself will you kindly place this case in the hands of one of your best healers. We cannot give her up yet but shall wait in earnest expectation the result. We have tried to do what we could to make it plain so you can know how she is. If she could be healed it would be the means of doing a great deal of good as her case is well known far and near. Her husband will pay all expenses.