⇉ Handshift:Arklemena ClarkAppletonEditorial Note: Appleton, Wisconsin Jan 5th 1886
I take the liberty As Written: liberiy of writing a few lines to you My object is this to advise with you I have been As Written: bine out of Health for over 2 Years & my physician As Written: Fasition has told As Written: talde me recently that I have a Cancer As Written: Cansor Tumor in the Womb & if such is the case I can't As Written: cant look to man for a cure. I have been As Written: bine reading your works on Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy more or less for the last year & have become very much interested & I think that a true Student of God can heal the Sick & I feel quite As Written: quuite anxious As Written: ankcious to see you or a Student of yours if there As Written: thare is any As Written: eny in this part of the Country that you can recommend As Written: recomend to me The distance is quite great As Written: grate from here to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts although if I keep as well as I am now perhaps As Written: prehaps I could stand the Journey if it is necessaryAs Written:nessary pleaseAs Written:pleas write as soon as convenientAs Written:convinent & tell me what you advise me what to do & oblige