⇉ Handshift:Mary Baker EddySend Chrs Healing & Jour without price send Mrs Hales card
⇉ Handshift:A. H. CarsleyFeb, 12, 1885
I am a poor girl, struggling As Written: strugling against poor health myself, and taking care of myself and mother who is very near blind, She has cataracts As Written: cateracts on her eyes.
I have heard of your wonderful healing And cannot get rid of the thought, that perhaps As Written: prehaps you can restore my mother’s As Written: mothers eyesight, so she can knit and read
She used to be a great reader, but has not been able to read a word for a number of years, I used to be in the habit of going to meeting and Sabbath As Written: sabath school but now stay at home and read to her, I feel sometimes that my lot is very hard I know my Heavenly Father is wiser than I am
I do not know your terms, but will do my best to pay you, and be very grateful to,
I have never seen any of your writings but understand you have published a book on healingEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy