Accession: 645A.66.034
Editorial Title: O. S. Barr to Mary Baker Eddy, November 20, 1884
Author: O. S. Barr 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: November 20, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by O. S. Barr on lined paper from Worcester, Massachusetts.
Archival Note: This letter includes notations in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:Ans Nov. 24

I wonder if you can remember meeting a young man about two years ago whom you strongly advised to enter your class because you said he was just the one you had been looking for. I am that young man. You told me I was in just the right spiritual condition and would reach the highest stage in Christian healing. I did think of entering your class but I heard in Lynn slanders against you and that you required your students to give a bond of secrecy to regarding what you teach – a bond of $1000Editorial Note: $1,000.00 in 1882 is the equivalent of $26,274.53 in 2018.. I am surprised that instead of believing such a report I did not inquire of you whether it was true or not.

Since I came here I have met Dr. Dorman, who tells me it is not true that you require a bond. He thinks as you did that I would succeed well and offers me good inducements to study As Written: sudy with him and then perhaps practice with him. He says he can teach me in three weeks for $100Editorial Note: $100.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $2,821.50 in 2018., but I have not even that amount for it. I do want to learn very much but since I saw you I have been swindled out of every cent I possessed and now the little I have is invested where I cannot get it at present. I invested nearly all I had in a patent and came here to sell territory but the times are so dull that I have had no success. O. I wish I might learn to heal I could do so much good – and pay afterwards. Can you not trust one to be honorable? Do you consider Dr. Dorman one of the best healers? I should much prefer to be under your instruction. It would be of so much more value to me I never like to do anythingAs Written:any thing half way.

If I should enter your class I should put my whole soul into it and endeavor to be an honor to you and your College.

What can you do for me dear lady?

I shall wait your reply with great interest.

Yours with great respect.
O. S. Barr.
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeListening to scandal about one who has reformed the morals of the age has lost his chance
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsExpanded:Answered Nov. 24

I wonder if you can remember meeting a young man about two years ago whom you strongly advised to enter your class because you said he was just the one you had been looking for. I am that young man. You told me I was in just the right spiritual condition and would reach the highest stage in Christian healing. I did think of entering your class but I heard in Lynn slanders against you and that you required your students to give a bond of secrecy to regarding what you teach – a bond of $1000Editorial Note: $1,000.00 in 1882 is the equivalent of $26,274.53 in 2018.. I am surprised that instead of believing such a report I did not inquire of you whether it was true or not.

Since I came here I have met Dr. Dorman, who tells me it is not true that you require a bond. He thinks as you did that I would succeed well and offers me good inducements to sudy Corrected: study with him and then perhaps practice with him. He says he can teach me in three weeks for $100Editorial Note: $100.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $2,821.50 in 2018., but I have not even that amount for it. I do want to learn very much but since I saw you I have been swindled out of every cent I possessed and now the little I have is invested where I cannot get it at present. I invested nearly all I had in a patent and came here to sell territory but the times are so dull that I have had no success. O. I wish I might learn to heal I could do so much good – and pay afterwards. Can you not trust one to be honorable? Do you consider Dr. Dorman one of the best healers? I should much prefer to be under your instruction. It would be of so much more value to me I never like to do any thingCorrected:anything half way.

If I should enter your class I should put my whole soul into it and endeavor to be an honor to you and your College.

What can you do for me dear lady?

I shall wait your reply with great interest.

Yours with great respect.
O. S. Barr.
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeListening to scandal about one who has reformed the morals of the age has lost his chance
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$1,000.00 in 1882 is the equivalent of $26,274.53 in 2018. $100.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $2,821.50 in 2018.