Feb 18
⇉ Handshift:Clara L. AxtellHolyoke Feb. 16. 1885.
For the past few weeks I have been trying to learn something about the principles of the Christian Scientists. After being in feeble health for a long time and being discouraged trying physicians without permanent benefit I at last resolved to try a Christian Scientist. I am not well but I have improved more than under the care of any physicians and I hope before long to be well –
However, my mind seems to get no rest because I do not understand how I am being helped.
I should come to see you if I had the money to spare to do so but I have not. I have a great desire to study this thing for I cannotAs Written:can not feel satisfied to be cured and not know how it was done. Also I have friends that I might so much for if I had learned the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science.
What would be the expense and how long a time would it take to learn.
Are there books that I could get and study now that would be any help to me if I decided to learn? If so what is the price and the name?
Is there any assurance that I would be a successful metaphysician if I came to your college and learned, or is it just as well to learn from pupils of yours that will teach?
Any information will be very gratefully received.