I have so often wanted to write to you, in regard to myself, but know you have so many encroachments upon your time. I have hesitated. until I can hesitate no longer. I have read your journal for more than a year, but have not like many.(as it avers) been cured thereby but, I have great faith in you as a woman of good works, & had I come in possession of means. as I looked for this fall. nothing would have prevented my coming to see you, but it was not to be so. I have been an Invalid twenty five yearsAs Written:y'rs. ever since my first daughter was born, I was taken soon as began to exercise any, with Prolapsus,(induced by going up & down stairs a good deal, while in that condition, waiting on my sick mother, for nine years. I was confined to my bed & room, all I know, now in consequence of malpractice, became so red-need, Dr's said, if I got better it would be as gradual as a babe from its birth I was every little while having a run of fever & last but not least, I had Inflammatory Erysipelas in my head, & though went to a water cure afterwards yet have always suffered As Written: sufferd with my head since, until my eyes are nearly ruined, & suffer with pain in them nearly of the time, cannot sew, read, or try them in any way, without injury, have never get much strength, & can endure but little, yet my ambition does not give out, I have an interesting family, a mute daughter aged 22 yearsAs Written:yrs purest & sweetest of girls, caused by having Meningitis, when three & a half, yearsAs Written:y'rs., a Christian ScientistAs Written:scientist, treated her, a year, last summer, but without success. would be willing to give all I have, to have her restored, but I'm but a poor weak woman, my husband long ago, gave up after spending a fortune trying to secure my health, for years, I did not expect to live from one spring to another, yet now, I feel that I seem to have to live I want to be of more use to my family I've tried to be a ChristianAs Written:christian, these long years & be patient, & hopeful, & have tired to grasp on to Christian ScienceAs Written:science, hard enough, to get well, but as soon as think I'm gaining, one of those dreadful spells will come on in my head & I am so nervous, I am 47, & am now suffering from, age, but dont really know why one should suffer at that time so much more
[*]Archival Note: The following text was later added to the document by the author or another annotator, disrupting the surrounding thought. ⇉ Handshift:Calvin A. FryeNov 27[*]Archival Note: End floating text.
⇉ Handshift:Mary C. HulseNow my dear sister in Christian Science, can you will you do anything for me; I will pray constantly till I hear from you
I have prayed & entrusted the Lord would make me well, you cannot know half, I have to endure, everyoneAs Written:every one seems to get so use to my being sick that they don’t As Written: dont think anything of it, & my husband seems so indifferent, it nearly drives me crazy, indeed have feared I would lose my reason. I keep about & work a little when I can & when I get clear down sick. I am so much more nervous from doing as long as I can go, cannotAs Written:can not walk any distance ever.
I have such confidence & faith, in your goodness & ability to cure I feel you must help me, if you will try. I couldn'tAs Written:could nt feel confidence in any other If I recover my health I would like so much to become a Metaphysician & see all about me chances to do good, if I were one, & I think that is one of the greatest privileges, I am sure if I was benefited – my husband will be more than glad to repay you, at present I haven’t a dollar to call my own.