Mary Baker G. Eddy
⇉ Handshift:May C. Cope
Not as an idle inquirer, but as an earnest sincere seeker after the Truth do I address you, and I hope you will out of the goodness of your heart answer me. I have completed a course of Mental or Christian Science lectures. My teacher is a practicing As Written: practising Metaphysician of Chicago. She is also a "Theosophist" and during her lectures she introduced much of the Theosophic teachings and belief, when we were through she advised us to purchase SinnettsEditorial Note: Alfred Percy Sinnett (1840-1921) was a British theosophist. works and several other books of like nature.
I will sayfirst that I have your bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and that with my Bible I study constantly. After her suggestion I bought Sinnett’sAs Written:Sinnetts "Esoteric Buddhism." and have read it. I am now all confusion and mixed. I cannot reconcile it with the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. I cannotAs Written:can not reconcile it with your teachings consequently. Now will you help me. Are you a Theosophist? My teacher says " Theosophy As Written: Theoophy is Metaphysics (christian Science) only more so."
Sinnetts book speaks (page 255) of "the necessity of evil" (?)
Do "inanimate forms progress onward until a human Soul, has been formed"? Do you believe "in the certainty of some hundred many-earth-lives to come – the " repeated incarnations As Written: in-carnations of a Soul"? He says "our planet and ourselves are no more creations than an ice-berg." He says "the seventh principle of man is undefinableAs Written:undifinable incomprehensible, and is the only God recognized by esoteric knowledge. Does that agree with your doctrine? He also says "you can be immortal in good by identifying oneself with God or can be immortal in evil by identifying oneself with Satan" He says there are utterly unspiritual Egos. Do you believe in "the system of seven worlds for man" and in the seven principles that the occult science teaches men are composed of? Tell me dear Mrs. Eddy can one be a thorough consistent believer in the teachings of Theosophy and the occult Sciences and at the same time a thorough, consistent, believer in Christian Science and a successful Healer? I have studied in order that I may be able to live the pure Christian life here and to do good oh, I want to do much good and I see daily where I can do it if I am in the right path. and so it is for this I ask your help and advice which I feel sure you'll not refuse to give me. If Divine Spirit created man in his own image and likenessGen 1:26 ¶And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. how can there be "unspiritual Egos" or how can man be spiritually evil and immortally evil?
Hoping anxiously for an early reply-